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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Setting Value List via a script

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I need to define which value list a particular field uses for a popup via a script. Specifically, I am trying to setup a web interface for class registration at the High School I work for. I am using FMP4.

I have a database with all the classes in it, and another database with all the students in it. I have setup scripts in the class database that makes two lists of classes for each grade, required and elective. Each student picks a total of 15 classes per year. What I need to be able to do is setup a script of some sort that looks at each students' grade and then decide which class lists to show them on the web interface, in a popup list.

For instance, 10th graders have 3 required classes, the rest are electives. In the fifteen popup boxes they see, the first 3 should display the required class list, the rest should display electives.

The ratio of required to elective classes is different for each grade, as are the classes offered.

The script basically needs to:

1- look at the students grade level

2- count the number of required classes for that grade, set x = that number

3- set the first x fields' value lists to "required class list"

4- set the remaining fields to "elective class list"

5- go to next student

I have everything except steps 4 and 5 figured out. Any suggestions? It would even work if I could tell it which value list to use and I define the value lists before hand.

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