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  • Josh Ormond

    A Conversation About '2 Factor Authentication'

    By Josh Ormond

    [ Edit: 3/16/2016 - With the help of some other people, we have been able to recover, or recreate some of the original images from original thread. ] Security is always a big topic when it involves data, or people, or possessions. Recently, over on the FileMaker Community, there was a very beneficial discussion regarding security. Unfortunately, that discussion was the victim of a necessary action...and was deleted. It was deleted, because the discussion was tied to a video that, as was det
    • 1 comment
  • Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions

    By Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions Should FileMaker Platform developers mount hacking attacks on their own solutions? At first glance, this may seem an odd question. But I believe that the answer is “Yes, we should.” Consider this. As developers we see our solutions from a totally different perspective than Threat Agents see them. Without practicing our own hacking skills, we can become blind to the vulnerabilities a Threat Agent can exploit to compromise the Confidentiality
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Expand your FileMaker Pro Development Skills

Enhance your FileMaker Pro expertise with our Advanced 2 FileMaker training course Building on the foundation laid in our Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced 1 courses, Productive Computing University’s Claris FileMaker Pro Advanced 2 training course will help you take your knowledge and FileMaker development skills to a new level. In this advanced FileMaker Pro training course, you will learn how to use AI for sample data, to write SQL statements, analyze scripts and much more. 



PSOS with CallBack & Configure Local Notifications in Claris FileMaker 2024

Discover the latest advancements in FileMaker 2024 with our in-depth look at two game-changing features: PSOS with Callback and Configure Local Notification. These powerful tools can transform your development process, enhance productivity, and streamline workflows. Whether you’re running lengthy reports or managing complex scripts, these new functionalities offer greater flexibility and control. Let's explore practical examples of how to leverage these features to create efficient and responsiv


dbservices in FileMaker 2024

JSON Set Variable Power Tools

Our world of software development is changing rapidly! With AI influencing the way we develop, it becomes increasingly important for developers to become informed about the tools which help them become more efficient. Fortunately, we still live in a world where people have to coordinate and organize code. Even if AI can create near-flawless code in some cases, it doesn't create the ideas. Humans are the creative force. Whether you're using a simple Find & Replace to refactor some functions,

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Claris FileMaker Pro 2024 – Using GetLiveTextAsJSON

Imagine you have a bunch of receipts, invoices, or any other documents, and you need to pull out specific pieces of information from them, like dates, totals, or names. Doing this manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This is where the new GetLiveTextAsJSON function in FileMaker 2024 comes in handy.  Learn how you can use this new feature with an image of a mock restaurant receipt uploaded to a container field. You’ll see how GetLiveText extracts the text, but the results do no



Currency Formatting

It's pretty easy to format a number field as currency, especially if it's a standard field. Once you enter the realm of merge fields, formatting a number can sometimes become difficult when multiple merge values need to display in a different format. For example, you might need a single text block to display one number field as it was entered and another as currency. This article will discuss several ways to assign the appropriate formatting to multiple number fields in a single text block.View

50 Ways to Use Claris FileMaker

As a Claris FileMaker Platinum Partner, we help businesses across all industries create custom software solutions tailored to their unique needs. We dive into 50 real-life use cases showcasing FileMaker's unparalleled flexibility and adaptability. Discover how FileMaker can streamline your operations, integrate systems, and scale with your growth. 50 Ways to Use Claris FileMaker dbservices.com

FMPerception 21: New Features for FileMaker Pro 2024

Enhanced Developer Tools and AI Integration FMPerception, our powerful database analysis tool for FileMaker developers, has been updated to version 21.0.0 with support for FileMaker Pro 2024. This update brings also brings a host of new features and improvements to enhance developer productivity. Notable additions include the ability to easily copy object names, support for […] The post FMPerception 21: New Features for FileMaker Pro 2024 appeared first on Proof+Geist. View the full article

Todd Geist

Todd Geist

Image Manipulation in Claris FileMaker

We demo Claris FileMaker's image manipulation features that allow users to natively re-size, rotate, and crop images, eliminating the need for an external photo editing app and allowing for a more polished and professional presentation of images. Includes a video and sample file. Image Manipulation in Claris FileMaker dbservices.com

Solution Wide Popovers

Expanding on a recently released article about Incredibly Easy Menus, which used a Card Window and showcased minimal use of popovers, I've now created a new dedicated setup specifically for use with popovers. Using this method, you can implement the technique and manage your solution-wide popovers from a single location for code. Solution maintenance becomes vastly simplified with this approach. Remember, our goal as developers is to create DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) code. This is exactly what

Exporting JSON

JSON, JSON, JSON! If you haven't gotten used to it yet, you'd better start. It's the way you communicate with the web. It's the structure that's winning. XML is too verbose, and .tab and .csv aren't always clear enough. So, what are some of the ways you can create JSON within FileMaker? Here are just a few: 1. Create a calculated field of it. 2. Use ExecuteSQL() to return it. 3. Use Execute FileMaker Data API [ ]. 4. Write a looping script. 5. Or... you can just export it. This last metho

Gathering Portals

In a relationally sound FileMaker database solution, you will definitely need portals. When you have a one-to-many relationship, the most common way to display the many related records from a layout based on the parent is to employ a portal. But portals don't always do what we want. Sometimes you need to enhance them or reformat the data displayed in a portal. In this article, we'll explore a method for gathering the data from a portal and displaying it in a comma-separated list using the power

AI Coding is WAY Faster

While some of the excitement around AI deals with using the technology within your FileMaker solution, it's likely that, as a developer, you should be more excited about how AI changes what you do as a developer. In fact, it's theorized that the occupation of being a developer will be one of the careers most affected by AI. So, what do you do while we wait and see if this is truly the case? Well, you use AI, of course! If you haven't yet dipped your toes into the world of using AI to compose s

Testing Privilege Sets

If there's one thing you shouldn't ignore from the start of any FileMaker solution, it's the way security is going to factor into your creation. You need to know who the users and groups are and what their access rights are. These access rights are called privilege sets within FileMaker. All too often, security may be an afterthought because most of the fun typically lies in creating solutions to the problems. The real trick is to create the solution to the problem while simultaneously consider

Claris FileMaker Pro 2024 – Supercharged WebViewer with WebRTC

Watch our video to look at a new feature in FileMaker 2024: WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications). WebRTC brings real-time video and chat capabilities directly into your FileMaker solutions. This opens up a world of opportunity in your FileMaker solutions. In this one focused example, we demonstrate how you can embed a Zoom meeting within a FileMaker web viewer, showcasing the enhanced functionality and seamless integration. Zoom is but one example of an application that requires the advance



Introducing Claris FileMaker Pro 2024

Great news! FileMaker 2024 has arrived, bringing with it a host of exciting new features! From advanced AI integration to the “Open Quickly” feature, this release is all about making your development process smoother and more efficient. Script enhancements and improved JSON handling also are featured.  Watch our video to explore the latest enhancements and tools that will revolutionize your development workflow. This blog post provides a summary of the topics discussed in the v



Claris FileMaker 2024 - Discovering new features

Companies release new versions of software all the time. One of the issues we may face as developers is that not everything is documented and the "marketing spin" might not provide all the technical details. In this video I showcase how I go about the process by performing and ad hoc discover of some of the new features in the Claris FileMaker 2024 release. Click the title or link to this article to view the video. View the full article

JSON Enhancements in Claris FileMaker 2024

Explore the exciting new JSON features in Claris FileMaker 2024! This article delves into the enhanced JSONGetElement, JSONSetElement, and JSONMakeArray functions, showcasing how these updates simplify data handling for developers. Learn how the latest enhancements make JSON manipulation more intuitive, efficient, and powerful, enabling developers to innovate with ease. JSON Enhancements in Claris FileMaker 2024 dbservices.com

Claris FileMaker Server 2024 Overview

Claris FileMaker Server 2024 is here! This new version is packed with many useful features including mobile touch keyboards, Admin API enhancements, logging updates, and more! These upgrades will take your FileMaker applications to the next level! Claris FileMaker Server 2024 Overview     dbservices.com

Revert Transaction is now supported in subscripts! 

Error handling just got even easier Introduction We have been discussing the use of transactions since Todd Geist’s post in 2014. We introduced a complete framework with the Karbon project in 2018. We then revisited this framework with the introduction of the new script steps introduced in version 19.6. Transactions have proven to be useful […] The post Revert Transaction is now supported in subscripts!  appeared first on Proof+Geist. View the full article

FileMaker 2024 – AI and More

FileMaker 2024 was just released. While the features likely to get the most attention center around AI, many other useful features also deserve notice. In fact, there is so much to cover that it would take a dozen blog posts to give them the coverage they deserve. In this post, we will cover the highlights […] The post FileMaker 2024 – AI and More appeared first on Proof+Geist. View the full article
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