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FileMaker tips, techniques, and news.

Entries in this blog

Using ChatGPT with FileMaker

The latest entry into the Artificial Intelligence scene is OpenAI's ChatGPT. ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a language model designed to produce conversation-style results for its users. Because of its conversational nature, a ChatGPT integration with your FileMaker solution has the potential to increase your automation and efficiency without sacrificing the human-like feel. Includes demo file and video. Check it out here. dbservices.com

Claris Platform 2023 Updates

Since the official launch of Claris Studio in September 2022, Claris has continued to make strides with exciting updates to the Claris Platform. We discuss some of our favorite new features in Claris Studio, Claris Pro, and Claris Go since September's launch here.     dbservices.com


dbservices in Claris News

Appending PDFs on FileMaker Server

PDF files are essential in the business world, and being able to create and manipulate them is a must. Appending one PDF to another is a handy tool for operations like report generation. We explore options for appending PDFs in FileMaker Server here. Includes a video and sample file.     dbservices.com


dbservices in FileMaker Server

Claris FileMaker Transaction Scripts

For any system with multiple users, transactional scripting is a must to avoid unnecessary bugs. One of the most exciting features of Claris FileMaker 19.6 is the addition of transaction script steps. We dive deeper into the newly released Claris FileMaker 19.6 transaction script step functionality. Includes demo video and sample file. Read the full article here. dbservices.com


dbservices in FileMaker 19

Claris FileMaker Server 19.6 Overview

Claris's newest update to the FileMaker platform is here! With Claris FileMaker Server 19.6, there are many changes and improvements to help manage your FileMaker application, including new Admin Console features, WebDirect updates, and performance improvements. Check out the highlights of what you can expect from this newest update here. dbservices.com


dbservices in FileMaker 19

Claris FileMaker Pro 19.6 Overview

Claris' 19.6 release of the FileMaker platform has launched! Join us as we discuss our favorite new features including built-in support for Transaction scripts, new script steps such as Get(TransactionState), Set Dictionary, Get(CurrentTimeUTCMicroseconds), Get(LastErrorDetail), and Get(LastErrorLocation), as well as the option to delete cached temp files and the option to disable context menus for interactive containers. Read the full article here. dbservices.com


dbservices in FileMaker 19

FileMaker Authorize.net Integration

Whatever your payment or subscription needs are, integrating the Authorize.net API with FileMaker is a surefire way to improve your business' workflow. Using Authorize.net's streamlined and straightforward API, your business can instantly and securely interact with customers by integrating with FileMaker. Includes a video and sample file. Read more here.

FileMaker SignNow Integration

When it comes to sending important legally binding documents, no application does it as well as SignNow. With over 28 million users in more than 20 different industries using the enterprise-grade eSigning platform, it's no wonder so many businesses rely on it. This guide will show you how you can begin sending customized documents through SignNow with FileMaker. Includes a video and sample file. Read the full article here. dbservices.com

Claris Studio: Kanban Boards

The release of Claris Studio has brought with it a wide variety of new tools! One of these is the Kanban board, a fantastic organizational tool for managing your projects. We give an overview in our article here.  dbservices.com


dbservices in Claris

Claris Studio: Dashboards

We give an overview of Dashboards in Claris Studio and how you can leverage them to quickly build graphical displays to view relevant information at a glance. Includes demo video and sample file so you can follow along and build your own! Read the article here.  dbservices.com


dbservices in Claris

What is Claris Studio?

Claris Studio makes it easy to gather, analyze, and manage your data online. With custom forms, dashboards, and many other cloud-native, no-code tools, Claris Studio makes data management simpler than ever. Includes a video demonstration. Read the full article here.


dbservices in Claris

Utilizing Claris Pro with Claris Studio

With the release of Claris Studio and its associated programs, Claris Server and Claris Pro, there is a lot to learn about the new applications and how they work with each other. We unpack the details of the software and how it can be used to create new solutions for you and your business in this article.


dbservices in Claris

Introducing Claris Studio

Claris Studio has officially launched and is now available! We discuss the new cloud-native development environment from Claris and some of our favorite features and functionalities in our blog here. dbservices.com


dbservices in Claris News

FM Quickstart 2023

FM Quickstart, the premier free ERP app for FileMaker, has been updated for the latest version of FileMaker. This bundle of new features is sure to improve your system's functionality and speed while expanding the limits of your database. Includes a demo video. Read more about the new features here.  


dbservices in FileMaker Tools

FileMaker Dashboards

When making a robust solution in FileMaker that you want to suit your needs best, it’s important to consider the app's purpose and projected user pool. Thankfully, with the addition of a system dashboard to your FileMaker project, you gain a fast and user-friendly way to present the data of each user without the need for slow and bulky found sets. Includes a video and sample file. Read the full article here.


dbservices in FileMaker Tools

Claris Licensing Price Increase

As a result of the recent investments that Claris has made in their products and platform, they have decided to increase licensing costs for all customers starting September 24, 2022 in order to continue providing value, creating efficiency, and delivering better customer experiences for organizations. Renew your license by September 23, 2022 to save money! Get more information about the pricing changes here.


dbservices in Claris News

Claris Platform Bundle

After releasing its highly-successful Problem Solvers Circle program last quarter, Claris has expanded its licensing offerings with another exclusive program: Claris Platform Bundle. This program gives your organization the freedom to explore, build, and test new solutions with full access to the suite of Claris products. We explore the benefits and use cases for each program in our article.


dbservices in Claris News

FileMaker Text Message Integration with Message Media

In today's world, one of the fastest and most effective ways to reach your customers is through text messaging. With Message Media integrated into your FileMaker solution, you can contact any potential prospects or existing customers with minimal effort, right on their mobile devices. Includes a video and sample file. Read the full article and download the sample file here.

FileMaker CopyLiveText & ReadQRCode Functions

With the release of Claris FileMaker 19.5, there are some new functions related to containers that offer new ways to increase efficiency, accessibility, and utility in app development. Learn about two new functions coming to FileMaker Pro 19.5 that open up new options for using containers both on desktop and on mobile. Includes a video and sample file. Read the full article here.


dbservices in FileMaker 19

Parallel Backups on FileMaker Server

Backups are an integral part of any database system, ensuring your information is safe and up-to-date in the event of system failures and crashes. Until now, Claris FileMaker Server has used a one-by-one approach for backing up files, but FileMaker Server 19.5 has introduced the ability to enable parallel backups, and it's a game-changer. Includes video. Read the full article here.

Claris FileMaker Server 19.5 Overview

Claris' newest release of FileMaker Server is here! We discuss a few of the newest features to FileMaker Server, including scripting updates, parallel backups, and updates for Linux and WebDirect that promise to bring more speed and efficiency to your FileMaker application. Read the full article here.


dbservices in FileMaker 19

Claris FileMaker Pro 19.5 Overview

Claris' 19.5 release of the FileMaker platform is here. We discuss our favorite new features including the new JSONGetElementType function, preservation of empty tab order for copied objects, changing locale using data migration tool, and approval for remote FMP URLs. Read the full article here.


dbservices in FileMaker 19

Claris Problem Solvers Circle

Claris knows that the best solutions are tested and refined over time. That's why they recently announced their new Problem Solvers Circle, a program that gives your organization the freedom to explore, build, and test new solutions over a period of 2 years, with full access to the suite of Claris products. Read the full article here.


dbservices in Claris News

FileMaker UPS Integration

UPS not only delivers your packages with quality, but they also offer an API to streamline any shipping needs that you may have for your company or application. With their API integrated into your FileMaker software, you can validate addresses, check shipping costs, compare delivery services and rates, print labels, track packages, and much more in one consolidated package. Includes a video and sample file. Read the full article here.
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