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Atlanta FileMaker Developers Group 4/4/18 – Relationship Rescue

Relationship Rescue

What does it mean in the Set Field script step when it says “This calculation will be evaluated based on context determined at runtime.”? What is “context”, anyway? It turns out that there are different types of “context” that are relevant to FileMaker development. What do layouts have to do with the relationship graph? What do indexes have to do with relationships? How do the various types of relationships work?What’s the difference between defining a sort in the relationship graph and defining it in a portal? In this presentation Doug Gardner will discuss the answers to all these questions and talk about how to create a relational structure that scales to any size without becoming more difficult to read or use. Enjoy successful relationships without counseling.


The post Atlanta FileMaker Developers Group 4/4/18 – Relationship Rescue appeared first on Blue Feather - FileMaker Developer, Android, Web.

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