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Graphing Forecasts | Sales and Revenue | CIO Tools | Big Data

<p><a href="/blog/lemonade-stand-part-1-forecasting-and-trend-lines"><br /><h1>LEMONADE STAND, PART 1: FORECASTING AND TREND LINES</h1>


<p>Sometimes as software developers we get caught up in the details of collecting, storing, and displaying data. To our clients, this is rarely the ultimate goal. Our clients want to use data to make better decisions that will increase profits, utilize resources more efficiently, and improve lives. </p>

<p>This is part one of a series of articles exploring techniques for getting more out of your data. In this series, we’ll show you how to implement a variety of practical forecasting models in FileMaker Pro. A few of the topics we have planned include:</p>

<ul style="padding-top: 0.5em">

<li style="padding: 0.2em;background-image: none;list-style-type: square">Moving averages</li>

<li style="padding: 0.2em;background-image: none;list-style-type: square">Weighted averages</li>

<li style="padding: 0.2em;background-image: none;list-style-type: square">Exponential smoothing</li>

<li style="padding: 0.2em;background-image: none;list-style-type: square">Trend projections</li>

<li style="padding: 0.2em;background-image: none;list-style-type: square">Seasonal trend projections</li>


<p><a href="http://www.skeletonkey.com/blog/lemonade-stand-part-1-forecasting-and-trend-lines" target="_blank">read more</a></p>



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