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  1. I'm working on a runtime solution and I want to make sure that in an upgrade scenario users have the ability to import from one file to another. When I'm testing this functionality I'm getting "Your access privileges do not allow you to perform this action." when I try to import. Are there any access privileges that prevent importing? I would have thought if it was an accounts permissions issue it would at least ask for a valid account and password, but it doesn't. This file has admin access stripped out on building the runtime. Is this the problem? Best, Rob
  2. Does anyone know if there is a way to allow exports, but to limit what fields can be exports for different privilege sets? I'm creating a runtime solution and I would like to give my users the ability export some of the data to excel. But in any given table, I have some data that is used for authentication that don't want users to ever be able to get access too or I'm compromising security. I'm using FileMaker Pro 11. Best, Rob
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