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Everything posted by farhanisfarhan

  1. Yes, there is a table of events. (which records if someone attended or not with unique id number allocated to each person.)
  2. Dear Programmers, I want to display files for each record separately on the layout which are related to them. I have added a container, browse button to upload and a web viewer on the layout. Browse button will browse for file and put it into container field then will export the contents to a folder which is associated with that record number. All the files are saved to-> \\server\attachments\{record-number} i.e. Record 1234's files will be in this folder -> \\server\attachments\1234 I am doing it this way: Send Event [ open document/application; "cmd /c \\server && cd\Attachment && md" & Table::RecordNumber ] Insert File [ Table::Attachment ] Set Variable [ $attachment; Value:Table::Attachment ] Set Variable [ $output; Value:"filewin://server/Attachment/" & Table::RecordNumber & "/" & $attachment ] Export Field Contents [ Table::Attachment; “$output” ] Set Field [ Acceptance::Attachment; "" ] The problem I am facing is: 1. CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories. (\\server) - So how would I be able to create directory in my required location. 2. How can I put an IF statement to check if the directory exist or not, if not then create it before exporting the field contents. Any suggestions?
  3. I have a table "attendance marking" which sends attendance record to another table "core attendance". "attendance marking" table sends ID, Date, Name, Attendace as fields to the "core attendance" table. I want report derived from "core attendance" uniquely showing only those names which have consecutively "No" sorted by date in "Attendance" field for 3 or more than 3 times.
  4. I am working on an attendance system. Those who are have not attended consecutive 3 or more expected events will be sent a warning e-mail. In the above example, DEF has not attended 3 expected events consecutively if sorted by date (08, 15, 22). I want him to be listed in the report also reporting how many consecutive he left, (maybe he has left 4 consecutive dates)...
  5. Dear Community, I have a table containing records such as: ID Date Name Attendance 01 01/01/2012 ABC Yes 02 01/01/2012 DEF Yes 03 02/01/2012 ABC Yes 04 02/01/2012 DEF No 05 03/01/2012 ABC No 06 03/01/2012 DEF No 07 04/01/2012 ABC No 08 04/01/2012 DEF No I want to count consecutive absences of a particular name by dates. i.e Has DEF been absent consecutively for 3 days? I found something on http://www.briandunning.com/cf/69 but I am not able get it implemented. Please help...
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