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  1. I have been happily using Mirrorsync 2 to sync a handful of SQL tables and a Filemaker database. However, one table that I try to sync (which, admittedly contains 300,000 or so records, of which I am using the customisation script to filter down to 80,000 records) is proving very tricky. Syncs can go on for hours, seemingly doing nothing much at all, and sometimes even leading to the sync service freezing. As soon as I remove the said layout from the sync configuration, things go smoothly (and very quick) again. Is there any way of trouble shooting this issue? Thanks in advance for your thoughts Oli
  2. Thanks for the clarification, Jesse.
  3. Hi there I'm finding that when I need to Sync a layout including fields from other tables, the Sync invariably fails. My solution so far has been to create a Calculated field inside that native table that looks up to the other table in order to find the value. Is this issue one that is commonly encountered? Thanks as always Oli
  4. Thank you so much, Jesse, this worked perfectly
  5. Hi there The error returned in the white notes box of the MirrorSync java console when trying to sync is: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Calling MirrorSync script on server returned multiple records!
  6. Hi all i upgraded my MirrorSync install fr 2.10x to the latest 2.2x version yesterday but in Sync now receive an error that calling the MirrorSync a script returns multiole records. Any ideas? Best Oli PS I've already tried removing the MirrorSync Application using the 360 config tool and reinstalling, as well as removing and reinstalling the MirrorSync scripts from my DB file. PS I've already tried removing the MirrorSync Application using the 360 config tool and reinstalling, as well as removing and reinstalling the MirrorSync scripts from my DB file.
  7. Hi all I wondered if you could help me with an issue I'm experiencing with the following script that uses the GetFileAsContainer function: Set Variable [$location; Value:Get(TemporaryPath) & "Learners.mer"] Export Records [No dialog: "$location"; Macintosh] Set Field [Globals::FileToSend; GetFileAsContainer( $location )] The file is exported to the temporary location just fine, but when I try to bring it back into the container in the third script step, I just get the word ERROR in the container. Can you help shed any light on the issue? Cheers Oli
  8. Hi Sarah Thank you, I've taken your advice and have emailed the address you provided. Per field conflict resolution is definitely a must-have feature for us. Best for now Oli
  9. Hi there I was wondering if I could check a couple of things in order to assess the suitability of MirrorSync for one of our solutions? Thanks in advance if you can help. Here's a simplified scenario that outlines how we work in our inbound telephone call handling centre. We also have sales agents who are mobile and visit customer premises. We have a FM solution with a table that includes information about our customers / data subjects. The table contains fields such as Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email Address. We have multiple staff users. 5 or so of our office-based staff will update information via a FMA12 desktop Client connected live to our local FMA Server on a variety of Mac and PC devices. Another 50 or so mobile sales agent Users will update information via iPads with FMGo 12 using a locally-stored database. They will sync that database using MirrorSync when they get back to the office later in the day. My concern is as follows: Say that an iPad user synchs at the start of the day and leaves the office. Midday, a Desktop client user receives a call from a customer and updates a record for a customer called 'Annie' by changing her telephone number. Later in the day, an iPad user (who still hasn't synched their device since the morning), visits Annie who tells our agent that she has a new email address. The sales agent updates Annie's email address but doesn't know about the updated telephone number. The iPad user then gets back to base and synchs their device using MirrorSync. Will MirrorSync recognise that both Annie's telephone number AND email address have been changed today by two different users and keep both bits of data safe (essentially, merging the changed records and keeping the rest of the data intact), or will it simply look at which version (the Server or iPad) record was updated last, and replace ALL of Annie's record with the iPad data as it was the last modification? If so, we've lost Annie's updated telephone number, and that'd be problematic for us. Can anyone help me by answering how MirrorSync would handle this situation? And if it isn't good news, is there a workaround? I'm guessing we'd have to change our DB design into 1NF or something. Many thanks Oli
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