this is one of those things where we could apply a shared concept, and see which are the ones most used here.
- Evernote:
for almost anything: taking notes, archive scanned documents, archived websites favourites, links, share images via links on emails...
- Basecamp:
When I work in a project wth more people no doubt Basecamp is the champ I love the New Basecamp. FYI we were working like two months long on Asana and at the end we decided to move to Basecamp... was such a big releaf... what a difference..!
- Firefox:
Don't use Chrome on your Mac... or your Mac will slowwwwww dowwnnnnnnn (known in internet)
- Apple Mail of course
- Final Cut Pro X
- Pixelmator or Photoshop
- Skype
- TeamViewer por Remote Supporting my customers
- Audio HiJack for recording meetings online
- Transmit for FTP
- iShowHD for recording self-made tutorials
- Skitch (from Evernote)
- My iPad 4 for reading articles, webs, pdf, books... very easy on the eyes thanks to Retina Display, is like reading on paper.
- Dropbox is always open, I save all my documents there.
- EyeTV... yes I'm one of those guys that work and watch TV at the same time (just an hour or two) on the same screen
- Slacker.com ... listen to wonderful music stations and yes I pay the suscription... worth every penny.
- At night sometimes a film on Nexflix
- Mindmeister.com for mindmapping my ideas.
- Aperture and Flikr to manage my pictures
- my iPhone
- And my Database and Web Development tools.. :)