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Everything posted by junglekarma50

  1. Thanks JM. It worked like a charm. I just substituted the "Paste Literal" with "Insert Text" because I'm using FileMaker 5. Thanks for the help.
  2. I have three layouts. Layout "A" contains records with a start date and a finish date. Layout "B" is a find layout. Layout "C" is a summary layout. On my "B" layout, I have buttons that find records within a given range from the current date (ie. "within 30 days", "within 60 days", and "within 90 days".) Let's say I click on the "within 30 days" button on the "B" layout. I want a script that performs the following: Go into the "A" layout, find all Start Dates of the records that are within 30 days of the current date, and show those records on the "C" layout. The date format of the "A" layout is mm/dd/yyyy.
  3. Thanks Vaughan! You solved my problem. I don't know how I could have missed the Time Format command. So easy that I overlooked it.
  4. Does anybody know of a script or function to convert regular time into twenty-four-hour-clock (example: 1700=5:00 P.M.)
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