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  1. Hi Comment, Thank you for replying - I have related the two tables together and put the field on my activities layout, but it stays blank? I would like it to pull the release date in depending on which Territory you have chosen. At present the relationship is based on: [color:red][color:red]Appointments Table Release Date Table projectID = ProjectID best regards, Roy
  2. Hi Comment, I have now related the tables Project::ProjectID - Releasedate::ProjectID and can view all relevant dates for all territorys for this film all within the project, so now when I create a new activity for this project I want it to auto update the date field because the territory matches. Hope this makes sense, Regards, Roy
  3. Hi All, Wondered if you may be able to help with a problem I have, I have to update lots of activities with a release date, the release date is important so we know we cannot schedule anything past that date. The release dates are in its own table and has the following fields filmID, Film Title, Territory, the release date and projectID. The filmID is related to the Films table and from the films layout I have a portal showing when that film is being shown in a particular territory. I also have a project table and I can schedule activities to a particular film, within this table I have a field called release date and I would like to have the field automatically update itself, when you create a new activity you choose the Project, then Territory all via value lists. Release date Table Record 1: FilmID: 1234 FilmTitle: test Territory: United States Release Date: 1st July 2008 ProjectID: 22222 Release date Table - Record 2: FilmID: 1234 FilmTitle: test Territory: Japan Release Date: 20th July 2008 ProjectID: 22222 So if I choose new activity for the film test and then choose United States the release date field automatically enters 1st July 2008, if Japan 20th July 2008 and so on - and if you updated the release date because the date changed, all records would be automatically updated as well, I'm sure Filemaker could do this, maybe via a calculation and a case statement - but I'm just not sure how? I hope someone could help and apologies for the long message, Best, Roy
  4. Hi, I am trying to emulate a till and be able to produce a report that shows the complete breakdown for a days activity. Any time something gets purchased or a service gets done an entry gets put in the line items table and the type field gets updated with either Product or service. I want to show how many products and services we sold and what was the price for each. I have created a how many products calc field with a case function "Case ( Product Type = "Product";1 )" and then have a summary show the total, which works. The next step is to show how much was taken for products. Can anybody help. Thanking you all in advance, Best Roy
  5. Hi, I hope someone can point me in the right direction, I want to connect 3 shops with the same database tables (Customers, line items and products) so if someone enters a new customer in to the system it would show up at the other shops. I did try and host the database online but due to the amount of graphics it was extremely slow and not usable in a day to day enviroment. I then thought of having the interface files at the shops and the data sent via external tables at a server that is hosted via the web - Just wondered how the pros would approach the situation. Many thanks in advance. Roy
  6. Hi All, I need help in getting an Individual shipping cost. My database has an order table and order line items table, 1 order can have multiple items on it. I get sent the Total Order cost which say is £15.00 and I need to break the total cost into however many items there are so that I can report on how much we have spent on x item. ie:there are 3 items on that order the individual cost would be £5.00 each. I have a field called Total cost and Individual cost - is there a way to have it calculated automatically? Many thanks Roy
  7. Hi, Is it possible to show mulitiple lines (From Line Items File) into 1 field in the order table that are all attached to 1 order, so that it can then be emailed or used in merges. Thanks, Roy
  8. Hi Stuhanna, Mine is setup as a keyboard on screen and each key has a script attached to it. So if it was the number 1 you wanted, the script would read: Insert text ["1"] and make sure there is not a tick in select entire contents. This will enable you to keep adding more numbers without overwriting the previous one. You can specify the field you want it to always go to as well (I choose to leave mine blank!!) Hope this helps. Regards, Roy
  9. Hello, Am stuck on a little problem, I have created a purchase orders line items file and want to update my inventory with the newly ordered items. I thought of two ways to accomplish this but am not quite there and was looking for expert advice. I would be ordering the same items several times and would like to press a button and update all the qty's in the stock table and if I have never ordered that product before to just add it as a new record. I tried exporting from Purchase Order Line Items into a new temp file then importing in to Stocks, with the barcode field as the matching field so it would only update the qty and add non-matching as new records. Didn't work! Then, I thought about a set field script but it seemed to only update the record you was last on and leaving the others out. So, not sure what to try next?? Any help and advice greatly appreciated. Thanks Roy
  10. Hi, I have a a table (supplier Line Items) that show items from suppliers, a bit like a catalogue and i would like to select some, maybe even all of the items and be able to create a purchase order. I can do a search and am able to find all the items I have selected (say 4 items out of 100), the next stage is to copy each item and paste into my purchase order line items table. Would a loop script be the best way to go? Does this make sense?? ha ha Thanks as always in advance. Roy
  11. Thanks everyone, Will have a look and see if this can be implemented. On the SQL systems I have seen that is the only thing that looks good, the rest you could make it look ten times better in filemaker. Regards, Roy
  12. Hi, I'm trying to build an appointment system and have seen a sql type version which allows you to drag appointments from say 5pm to 7pm, or from employee1 to employee 2 - does anyone had any experience of how this could be replicated within filemaker, am trying to convince the boss that Filemaker is the best!! ha ha Regards, Roy
  13. Hi, Hope you can point me in the right direction.... I want to display in my line items file the commission % based on the criteria of - Employee and Type. I have setup the types (Product 10%, Services 15%) on the employees table. At present it displays on the line items table the employees name and the type (Both via Calcs from the appointments table) - what i need to do (I think) is build up a case statement.... But how would that work if you add a new employee??? If i can get the % number in a field in the line items table, it should be easy to calc a employees commissions based on what they have sold? (Is this the best way to go about this?) Thanks in advance, Roy
  14. Hi Comment & StuartT, What is the best way to implement this into a layout that had various user entry fields on it, I want to remove the need for a keyboard - the database has to be touchscreen driven. Many thanks Roy
  15. Thanks Stuart T & Comment, Really appreciate both your help, this was driving me mad!! Thanks again, Roy
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