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Everything posted by mdalton

  1. Has anyone come across a method to have scripts be executed on and by a remote machine (server), but initiated from a local system script? Currently I have to execute the script across the network by the local system and it is very slooow. Many thanks for any insights Michael
  2. Has any one come across a fast method to copy a record between databases, without resorting to copying each field in the record individually, or exporting. I am trying to keep a synchronised copy of the primary database, offsite and copying fields is very slooow, especially over dialup! Many thanks Michael Dalton
  3. Hi Ron, I don't think this simple programming device is possible in Filemaker scripts. The work around is to use and intermediate temp field i.e. SetField ( temp, GetRepitition(3, field) SetField (result-3, temp) just remember to make the global temp the same type as the repitition fields. Hope this helps Michael Dalton
  4. Is there a preferred way to synchronize a remote database to a server version, across a Wide area network?
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