First, thank you so much, all of you. I was dying trying to find a solution to this problem. I'm sure the script idea will work but I'm still trying to get Substitute to work.
Below is a snippet of a calculation I'm trying to get to work. Basically, it's a conditional display of the value list TitleToiletKing uses based on how many entries there are. More specifically, if there are multiple entries I want them displayed horizontally, separated by a comma and a space.
Each line used to be identical to the last but I decided to show you the different combinations of functions I used and still couldn't get it to work. I'd love to figure out why none of these affect the output of the value list's values.
Thanks again!
& Case( TitleToiletKing > "", "Toilet King: " & GetRepetition( TitleToiletKing , 1),
Count( TitleToiletKing ) > 1, Substitute( LeftWords( TitleToiletKing , 2 ) , "