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Everything posted by TennMan

  1. Can someone tell me if there is an easy way in FM v4 to calculate the percent of male (or female) members there are curerntly on a team? There is a TEAM_NO field that is populated with a 4 character alpha-numeric code and a GENDER field that contains either a "M" or "F". On a summary page where I can see the number of players on each team, I'd also like to see if I need to add males or females to balance the team, by see the percentage of one gender on the team. In another language it would be something like - (Count for GENDER="M") / (Count) Thanks
  2. I have a database used to register soccer players. Two date fields included are FIRST_ENTERED & LAST_MODIFIED. Filling these with creation date and last modified is simple, but I need something else. Another field is REGISTRATION_STATUS. This is a text field who's values come from a value list (Registered, Pending, Drop, Refund, etc...). Registration Status is selected from a group of radio buttons. I would like to have a date field that is filled with the current date whenever REGISTRATION_STATUS changes from "Pending" to "Registered". Can this be done in FM Pro 4.0v1
  3. I'm new at this so please give all details if possible. I have a registration database (FMP v4) that tracks if people are registered for a particular event. The field ACTIVE_CODE is used to indicate if they are "PAID", "PENDING", or "NOT REGISTERED". These are selected from radio buttons and the field is defined as a value list. I would like to have a script that will show me only the PAID, another for only the PENDING, and a third for only the NOT REGISTERED. Can someone show me a script(s) that will do this.
  4. I need to calculate a player's age for a soccer league. The calculation needs to find the player's age (League_Age) on Aug-01-xxxx. For example, this season's age is based on the player's age on Aug-01-2001. This age will not be recalculated until Aug-01-2002. For example, a player with a DOB of Aug-02-1990 will have a League_Age of 10 until Aug-01-2002, even though they have already celebrated their 11th birthday. I've tried taking the age to number of days old then dividing by 365, but DOBs close to Aug-01 are occasionally wrong (due to leap years I presume). I need a method that is correct 100% of the time year after year, even when the DOBs are 31-July and 01-Aug. Thanks
  5. I have just inherited a soccer league registration database in FMP v4, which is new to me. Past practice has been to use the previous season's records to track the returning players for the current season. Once registration closed, all records marked ACTIVE are kept, and INACTIVE are deleted. Problem is, if one of these INACTIVE kids comes back next year the record for that player will have to be recreated. I've been trying to have a kid's record copied to another file (Active_Player) from the original file (All_Player) when the player registers for the current season. Being new to FMP, I'm not sure if I should be learning about scripts or portals or something else. General thoughts on which approach is best and specific example of how to do so would be appreciated.
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