Of all the years, I have come across a FIND PROBLEM that is working my common sense into overtime.
A landlord has requested a FIND for his Renters by addresses. SIMPLE enough.... Now, here are four addresses he has on file, in a pop-up menu so no spelling mistakes.
404 west market apt 1
404 west market apt 2
404 west market apt 3
404 west market apt 4
QUESTION / PROBLEM is this. When there are multiple entries for each apartment, a simple search should isolate them from the other.
HOWEVER...when you do a search/find for
404 west market apt 4, it will bring up all the files, which in this case is apt 1, 2, 3, and 4.
When a search/find for all the other address, it picks them out as simple as 1-2-3 and group them like the Find Command was design to do. No mistakes, no errors.
At first I thought it was something about the spelling or whatever any other common sense reason might be, but after testing this out on different FMPro 5.5 programs, it always came up with the same results. I have run this string of address on two other computers and tested them... Same results...even when I created a mock data base to test it out on.
WHOA.... anyone out there want to try this simple search and see if they have the same problem...... (Please use the same string of addresses) and if so, I need a SOLUTION or a Padded Room...