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Everything posted by Jace

  1. quote: Originally posted by Old Advance Man: Sounds as though file sharing is enabled on the server. Are you opening the files thru File-->Open-->Hosts? That is the correct way (or use a launcher). Old Advance Man
  2. I need some advice here. I installed FMpro 5.5 on the server and associated terminals of an insurance company. All works well except when the following problem occurs. Some of the terminals when connecting with FMPro on the server, try and take over control and want the server transfered to make their terminal the host. Some do, some do not. Am I missing a setting here somewhere? This is really confusing the entire office when accessing their main data base which is the one I created for them. Thanks in advance... Jason towersq@shawneelink.net
  3. I use 5.5 Developer in creating Kiosk, run time soultions for small programs that are mass produced. I have not found any install script from FMPro (which I feel should be there) that allows my clients to auto install the program and place an Icon on the desktop. Has anyone suggestions over this? Who you recommend and any associated cost. Thanks Jason This is a classic example where I am all dressed up and no where to go.....
  4. Thanks everyone.... I really appreciated your help and yes, it did help.... Problem resolved. 5 *'s to each of you.... Jason aaa.zip
  5. Thanks Anatoli Kohout I tried the single = sign and it did not work. I went back and tried the double = sign and BINGO, it works great. Question though that comes to mind. Why do many of the address work without even an equal and this requires (2 Equals)? Is this a SNAFU in FMpro??? Thanks Again.... EUROPE HU!!! This is GREAT.... Jason
  6. I have created a program that runs in the FMPro 5.5 Developer in Kiosk Mode. I am looking for a qualified installer to place on the CD so my clients do not have to fiddle around with transfering data through the Explorer. Does FMPro have any such installer that is easy to add-on or any company who might be supporting FMPro applications have any? I need to know as quickly as possible. Thanks Jason
  7. Of all the years, I have come across a FIND PROBLEM that is working my common sense into overtime. A landlord has requested a FIND for his Renters by addresses. SIMPLE enough.... Now, here are four addresses he has on file, in a pop-up menu so no spelling mistakes. 404 west market apt 1 404 west market apt 2 404 west market apt 3 404 west market apt 4 QUESTION / PROBLEM is this. When there are multiple entries for each apartment, a simple search should isolate them from the other. HOWEVER...when you do a search/find for 404 west market apt 4, it will bring up all the files, which in this case is apt 1, 2, 3, and 4. When a search/find for all the other address, it picks them out as simple as 1-2-3 and group them like the Find Command was design to do. No mistakes, no errors. At first I thought it was something about the spelling or whatever any other common sense reason might be, but after testing this out on different FMPro 5.5 programs, it always came up with the same results. I have run this string of address on two other computers and tested them... Same results...even when I created a mock data base to test it out on. WHOA.... anyone out there want to try this simple search and see if they have the same problem...... (Please use the same string of addresses) and if so, I need a SOLUTION or a Padded Room... Thanks Jace
  8. Thanks Fitch..... I will attempt to follow the steps.... Relationships are difficult for me and I guess you might say I need all the help I can get. I am OK with about everything else until then.
  9. After years of doing data base design from FM 2.1 to current 5.5, I thought I was doing pretty well until recently I have hit a brick wall. I called the 900 number for help and found myself only getting deeper in the mud. I have a two part question.... both relationships SITUATION ONE - I have a client who is a LANDLORD and I have created a check book for him. He pays the water bill on several apartments and makes out one check per month. $200.00. However, he needs to know which apartment should be charged with the allocated portion of the bill. Apt. 1 should be charged $55.00, Apt. 2 should be charged $40.00, etc. and all total they should come out to $200.00. I need to know (if someone could tell me in ENGLISH) how to get the portions of the water bill to go each apartment number for record keeping? The Second Portion of the question is... I actually have another data base that keeps all the files on the apartments with the exception of the check book. The customer does not want (2) summary reports (1) from the check book and (1) from the other data base. He wants the data from the check book to relate over to the other data base and fall into place. That way, it saves him from double entry...once in the check book, once in the other data file. Again, I called the 900 FM number and I felt I even slipped a little further than before. Relationships are very difficult to understand and how they relate to each other. I can and do achieve direct relationship between two data bases, but it is used primarily for bringing over simple data from one to the other using a common key number. (I would even consider paying someone to help me write the part that allows for this to happen) so that I can take care of this URGENT REQUEST from the client. Any HELP OUT THERE? Thanks for your time IN ADVANCE. Jace
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