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  1. Thank you Comment - worked perfectly.
  2. Ah, solved my problem. I thought the specify find requests window was showing a list of all available find requests and it was up to you to select one. But the window is actually showing the find requests that are being applied. For some reason I had two find requests listed. Once I deleted the incorrect one all is good. I had a feeling the answer was right in front of me! I would like to create a more efficient way to convert the text date data to a proper date field. How can I convert a value such as 2010/05/23 to a date value of 23/05/2010? (I'm based in New Zealand where we put day before month.)
  3. Hi there I've attached a clone of the file. I'm planning a new file for each financial year so don't have concerns about finding August 2010 and 2011 for example. I realize there are probably better ways to handle the date - as I said I'm a newbie. But I just don't understand why a find request works manually but the same find request in a script doesn't work. Thank you for your assistance though - much appreciated! Peter PK_Accounts_2011_Clone.fp7.zip
  4. Hi Lee The month field is a number field. I noticed if I perform the script to find 01...02, that works fine, but if I then select script to find 03...04, it adds the 03...04 records to the existing 01...02 records - its not omitting previously found records.
  5. Hi there Thanks for all your replies. I import bank statements into FM and unfortunately the date field comes in YYYY/MM/DD from my bank. So I created three fields to extrapolate day month and year using the left/middle/right functions. I thought the month field, which just has 01, 02 etc would be an easy search field. As I say - no problem when I go to find mode my self and manually search the range I want. The script is only one line! perform find (restore), with a find request of Month = 01...02 Will try that alternative script suggestion at let you know. Many thanks for helping this newbie!
  6. Hi All I'm a bit of a newbie but can't work out why a simple find step in my script isn't producing correct result. Here is the set up: I have a field called 'Month' which has the values 01 for January, 02 for February etc. I want a script that will pull up all records that are say January & February. So I have a step in my script which is Perform Find, and have specified a find request to find when 'Month' has range 01...02. But when I run this script, I get records from other months as well. The weird thing is, if I enter find mode and do a manual search for those records (01...02) it works fine. What am I missing? Kind regards Peter
  7. Is it possible to create a relationship that requires two fields to match (in my case 'amount' and 'date', so that a third field's data can be looked up. I tried a calculation (if, test, result 1, result2), where the test was to match amount and date in each respective DB but no result would come up.
  8. I'm using FM Pro 6 for my accounts. For budgeting I've set up Summary fields that are supposed to give me an average 'spend' in each category (eg: car, stationery etc). However these summary fields only appear to be accurate when I do a find on a single category -then the summary field for that category is accurate (and of course all the other summary fields return a zero value). Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
  9. I've since upgraded to FM 6 and problem has gone away.
  10. I've tried SMTPit and it has the same problems - emails that have embedded links come up as text only (ie: the links are not clickable) and no html version even though I've set it up to download both Text & html.
  11. thank you - I'll give it a go.
  12. I use FM Pro 5 for invoicing. I'd like to create a script that will print two copies of an invoice - one in draft mode, one in normal print mode, with one button click. Is this possible?
  13. I'm using Dacons Mail.It 2 plug in - I'm finding some html emails are coming thru as text but the full html version is not available to view in a separate browser. Or more curiously, some html emails come thru with nothing in the body at all. (I've checked these emails via web based mail and its all there - but download it to Mail.It and its blank.) I'm using FM Pro 5.0, perhaps the html support not as good in this earlier version?
  14. Has anyone had a problem using both Mail It and FM Mobile (Palm OS) plug-ins together? Mail it seems to be disabling the FM Mobile functions as soon as I copy the mail it plugin to the FM system folder. (Using FM Pro 5.0)
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