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Everything posted by kerver

  1. With SMTPit, is there anyway to send an email through a database and have a copy of that email stored in the sender's IMAP Sent folder?
  2. I feel your solution would certainly solve the problem but having recently upgraded to FMP8 from 6, I've thoroughly enjoyed the ability to manipulate the files without forcing all clients to quit and having to make changes offline. It would be nice to know exactly what kinds of changes/additions can be made without locking up all the clients. Can I import a table? Can I change a TO? Can I change a calc field? Where do we draw the line?
  3. I haven't pinpointed the problem but here's the circumstances. I'm running FMS8v2 on Mac OS X Server 10.4.5 w/plenty of ram and disk space. I'm serving about 60 files to 20 Mac clients running 8v2. I've recently started consolidating some of my files and I believe it's causing the problem. When consolidating I import a table into the main file, fix/add TOs, import scripts, and duplicate layouts. At some point during this process the majority of my 20 client's FMP application totally freezes requiring a 'Force Quit'. I'll have to do some more experimenting to pinpoint what's causing it and I'll report back. In the meantime I was hoping somebody might shed some light.
  4. I'm running Server 8 on Mac OS X Server with 2 NICs installed. Each card has a separate IP address. When starting up FileMaker Server it automatically attaches itself to the first IP address. Does anybody have a suggestion for assigning FileMaker Server to my second Network Card? The server documentation says it supports multiple interface cards but it doesn't elaborate. Thank You
  5. Thank you for your responses. After talking to FileMaker and reading these posts it would appear that FileMaker 7/8 has lost the ability to find a local file without having an explicit file path. I will use your suggestions and place the file in the application folder or shared folder (making sure all users have the same HD name) and then I'll work on hosting a new file to replace the local file's functionality.
  6. Thanks for the response. I've tried using the relative path and it fails. The full path reference for each user spread across 60 files is not a realistic solution. If a new user comes onboard I would have to add the file reference for his local file to each hosted file.
  7. I did a trial conversion of my solution to FileMaker 8.0 and I'm having an issue that maybe somebody can shed some light on. My solution consist of FileMaker Server hosting a bunch of files and each user has a local file for opening the database and logging in. This local file is referred back to many times in every hosted file. The hosted files reference the local file with an absolute path which happens to be my hard drive and my directories. In FileMaker 6 the hosted files always find each users local file although the reference is pointing to my specific machine. In FileMaker 7/8 the local file cannot be found unless I reference each users specific directory. I've tried many different variations of the file reference but can't seem to find the magic combination. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank You
  8. Excellent...I knew It was something simple I overlooked. Thank You.
  9. I've used an Applescript to change the default printer in OS X but everything I've tried to restore the original printer has failed. First I tried capturing the current printer name in a global field with status(CurrentPrinterName). In OS X it returns '<unknown>' as the printer name. The next thing I tried was to have Applescript capture the current printer and populate my global field as follows: tell application "Print Center" set defprinter to current printer tell application "FileMaker Pro" set data field "gPrinter Default" of database "db.fp5" to defprinter end tell end tell It returns an error "Can't make <<class prnt>> "Printer Name" of application "Print Center" into the expected type." Does anybody know why either one of these procedures is failing? Is there a better way to restore the original printer that I'm overlooking?
  10. You definitely hit the nail on the head with that one...it's crappy . For now I think I'll direct the PDFs to the 'Shared' folder inside the 'Users' folder. This is a consistant path for everybody. Even if the HD is named differently it still works.
  11. And using a set path on a server volume would erase other user's PDFs.
  12. Well at least we know the problem. Thank you for taking the time. Now I just have to figure out an elegant solution that won't burden the user with extra steps. I'll post my final results.
  13. When I use the client to replace 'page setup' settings, the host can no longer print with the 'PDF' preset. The host now gets the same error as the client did. I'm wondering if Filemaker is storing the exact path to the 'com.apple.print.custompresets.plist' file which is stored in the ~/library/preferences folder. If so, the stored path wouldn't work for a different user name.
  14. "Sorry, Filemaker is unable to continue printing (Error -909)"
  15. I'm familiar with the process for scripting PDF printing in OS X but this process doesn't work on a networked database. I've tried creating the same "PDF" preset on multiple machines but I get a printing error when anybody other than the host runs the script. Is there any way to script printing to PDF that everybody in the building can use?
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