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  1. Thank you for the help. It seems there are a lot of people having the same issue I am. I will try removing the full name but that seems to be associated with the error code and Win Servers. But it's worth a shot.
  2. Yes they are related tables and it just pulls the the correct email address based on who is writing the referral. I have no problems with the script in 11. When you hit the send button all works and the person receives the email but for some reason when using 10 it just gives me the error that is could not be sent. I am not sure how to do that. This is the only way I have ever done it. We use FirstClass as our mail client. Thank you for taking your time to look at this. I am still very much a novice when it comes to scripting and emailing is totally new.
  3. Here is the info that is x'd out. There are no x's in the actual script.
  4. Hopefully I did this correctly. I've attached the pdf of the script being used. On the FMP 10 machines it just says email not sent. Nothing particularly helpful I'm afraid. send script.pdf
  5. I am having trouble getting my email to work in FM 10. It was originally created in FM 10 and worked perfectly. I update to 11 and now the script will not work in 10. I am using SMTP on a Mac and there are no attachments involved. Is there some difference in the way email works in 11 that would cause it not to work in 10? Thank you for any advice. Cheryl
  6. The timestamp in my data base has changed format in the original import file. Now the GetAsDate ( Timestamp ) no longer works. The format is now 2009-01-21 12:11:04 [color:red]Disregard this post it is a problem with the import. I am not sure how to fix this so it gives me the date again. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  7. cmack

    Show found set

    Ahhh Genuis!! Thanks Lee!
  8. cmack

    Show found set

    I am wondering if there is a way to add to a layout the found set (record _ of _? I know I can add the record number with @@. For example I would like to show record 3 of 27. When the used has performed a find. I know it shows on the status area but I have that hidden from my users on this layout. Thanks, Cmack
  9. Okay I feel like an idiot that was beyond easy. For whatever reason I did not think it would work with that. Thanks so much for your time.
  10. I have an excel file that I import into my database It contains a timestamp as one of the fields. I only need the date portion of timestamp and not the time. I would like to run a script or maybe just make it it a calculation field to remove the time portion. Here is how it is formatted: 9/12/2007 12:17:12 PM I only need the date. I know there is probably a simple way to get rid of time but calculations and I seem to disagree alot. Thanks for any help.
  11. Yes I agree that having 2 fields to begin with is optimal. I have to import the data from another file and that file has the names in one field and I have no control over the format. Hopefully Cher will never work for my school and Mr. Von Helsing's skill would best be learned at a high school. :-)
  12. Thank you both and yes I would need the whole name Smith-Jones. Fitch your code worked perfectly. Thank you very much. CMack
  13. I am trying to parse the last name out of a full name field. I am using Right(FullName; Length(FullName) - Position(FullName; " "; 1; 1)) It mostly works but here is my trouble. I have names such as John Smith John W. Smith John Smith-Jones John W. Smith-Jones I seem to be able to account for some of the combinations but not all of them. The calculation in the DB returns W. Smith-Jones So I tried making the " " to "." but that only works if there is a Middle initial and it leaves a space before the last name. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cmack
  14. Lee, That worked perfectly. Thank you for taking the time to help. I always try to search for what I am looking for before asking but I never seem to use the correct terms or I end up with things way more complicated then I need. I appreciate your time. CMACK
  15. I am not using auto enter any where. I import all the data from another file. But I think what you have above is what I was attempting to do. I am going to try it right now. Thank you very much.
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