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Everything posted by eliza

  1. I am struggling to understand how to script a script to send an email to the email address on the current record and attach a pdf of the current layout. It needs to work for both Mac and PC. Any help really appreciated with this - FM newbie
  2. I am now totally confused. I don't think I need to get involved in the discussion of contacts vs customers, I have already dealt with the issues of a single company having several different contacts and I understand this issue. My problem is that for a single enquiry (where a single contact can make several eqnuiries) the one enquiry can related to several staff, who would be selected via a portal on the enquiry page. I think I should have the table Enquiry, representing the entity "Enquiry", with the enquiry attributes, a join table "StaffEnquiry" and a Staff Table to allow for the many to many relationship of one enquiry having many staff and one staff being able to work on many enquiries. The staffEnquiry Table would also allow for fields such at amount due etc. Am I along the right tracks?
  3. I am a FM9 newbie and am struggling to get to grips with the basics of the db design. I have inherited a "contacts" table showing all contacts related to our company, whether they be customers or suppliers. From a "contact" layout I can generate a new customer "order" using the contact info. My problem is that I need to include a portal with the ability to select using a drop-down list of filtered contacts (staff) who will work on this order. I have a feeling that this can only be achieved by creating a seperate table for staff rather than holding them in the same table as the customer contacts. Am I correct or am I missing the point?
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