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Everything posted by docdowney

  1. Thank you, but it doesn't work on Mac. This is how the original program opened up the images, and this is what I am trying to fix.
  2. I think it would be better for me to store a reference only with a thumbnail of the image. Then I could click on a button that opens it up in Preview. Since the file is only for me, I don't need to share it with anyone. So, it would be for Mac only. Thank you very much for your patience on this.
  3. Sorry, the password is med1.admin. leave the username blank.
  4. Thank you for your reply Fenton and bcooney. Re the file you sent me, I have downloaded it and I can insert a jpg without any problems. However, when I press the open button it doesn't open anything. Preview is on just like you explained. I am attaching the multimedia table that I am trying to fix. Please tell me where I'm wrong. The open cfile script is identical to the one you gave me. PLEASE HELP! multimedia.fp7.zip
  5. I am REALLY new at this. So please bear with me. I have the Export field contents script selected. The Specify Target field is cContainerPathMac which is where the container is located. this cContainerPathMac is a field in a linked database and is a calculation. The calculation is as follows: Right(cGetContainerPath;Length(cGetContainerPath)-Position(cGetContainerPath;"imagemac:/";1;1)-9) /*Right ( text ; numberOfCharacters )*/ /*Length ( text )*/ /*Position ( text ; searchString ; start ; occurrence )*/ I can only get is to the path itself in TextEdit. What can I do to get the path to open in Preview? Thank you
  6. Thank you for your response. However, all that happens now is that TextEdit (Word pad in windows) opens with the filepath as the text. Any ideas on how to get it to open Preview instead?
  7. I am a doctor and I need to store patient info like photos and Xrays. I have downloaded a very useful freeware program called "medistic". This program lets you import a thumbnail of a pic of your choice. I also has a "Open" button that should open the jpg file. In the original script provided with the program, it opens the file in Safari (with an "open URL" command), but I want it to open in Preview. I am having trouble creating a script that opens a .jpg file that is in the container of the database. So far, I have gotten Preview to open a specified file but not the file that is contained in the record. Can anyone help?
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