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  1. I've recently learned how to use summary fields and subsumary parts. My issue is i'm attempting to create a report that groups vertically rather than horizontally. For example I need a report for widgest sold that groups all the months in one report and the months are the column headers. For example [April][May][June] [widget1][#April][#May][#June] [widget2][#April][#May][#June] [widget3][#April][#May][#June] [TotalApril][TotalMay][TotalJune] hopefully that illustration explained my point.. I have no issues grouping by widget names, types, etc.. but I can't figure out how to count within the certain months. My find request would either be for a specific date range (1 date range) rather than multiple but I need results from multiple finds. Any suggestions? This seems to be a simple reporting concept so i'm sure there's a simple way to do it that i'm missing. Please help!
  2. Yeah I did notice that however I"m still exporting to .xls and importing from .xls. I've attempted to do this manually and it's giving me the same error that something's off with the record however it works just fine in 9v3.... It reads the data, the field names, matches up accordingly, just doesn't import after....
  3. I'm transfering records from an external data source to an existing table in my file.. It's been working just fine in fmpa9v3 however recently I upgraded to 10 and it's no longer working. I export just fine, but when I go to import and go through the regular procedures my results read: Import Records Summary: Total Records added/updated 1 Total Records skipped due to errors: 1 Total Fields skipped due to errors: 0 Table created: I see that the record was skipped due to an error but no error message shows up anywhere. I'm accessing a remote database that's hosted on the FMS10A. I've attempted to import it to same database but on my local computer and same thing happens so it's not the server.. Any suggestions? I've attempted to look for error logs or anything to hint at what the issue is but haven't been able to find any.. Please help!
  4. I've been having a real serious issue with saving as pdf. I recently upgraded from 9.0.3 to 10 and there seems to be a difference in the way the pdf's are saved between the two versions. PDFs generated from layouts in version fmpa9.0.3 open just fine in both Adobe reader 9 and adobe acrobat 9 and reflect that they were created using Adobe PDF Library 6.1 PDFs generated from layouts in fmpa10 are NOT opening in reader but only in acrobat and reflect they were created using Adobe PDF Library 8.0 Both also reflect their perspective filemaker versions. I've tested this on multiple machines and both in XP and Vista and all have exactly the same issue. Screenshots can be found here:
  5. I have to separate databases with matching fields. What I'm trying to do is move a record from one database to the other database. I've only figured out two ways to do this and i'm looking for something more efficient that can be incorporated into a script.. 1) Export from one database and import into the other and then delete the record from the original database 2) Export Field contents from one related database table to another. and delete the original record. This is more cumbersome because you have to export each field separately. ... If there a "move record" script step or function i'm missing somewhere? I can link up the tables through external data sources and the ideal solution would be just to move a record from one linked external table to another... Please help
  6. Make sure it works with IWP through the client. The majority of the email plugins only work on IWP through the server.. One that I finally found that works with the client version is the mail.it plugin..
  7. Yup the built in function is definitely not IWP compatible. The print to PDF works however not as well as the internal FMP function which will also incorporate headers/footers on each page along with auto populated page numbers, etc... I'm just looking for a similar replacement that works with IWP or can maybe combine files into a printable PDF which can be downloaded,etc.. what I'm looking for may not exist but just trying to get feedback
  8. Nice! I didn't realize the tabs were their own objects. Works like a charm, thank you!
  9. Thank you for the response Data collection isn't really what my concern is. I've a database of client files and when my processor makes notes on the file I want an email to go out to all involved in the transaction with the content of the note.. That way clients can be up to date on the status of their case/file
  10. Is there any script steps or plugins I can utilize to enable tab switching? I have a tab control and I want to place a "Next" button to switch to the next/previous tab... Please help
  11. Anyone know how I can save to PDF in instant web publishing? Is there a plugin for this that I can utilize?
  12. I recently downloaded the CNS SMTPit plugin, installed tested on the machine and it worked however when I used it in Instant Web Publishing it didn't work. I've contacted them and they said it only works on the server version not the client. I currently have FMP Advanced 9 and I need an email plugin that works with Intant Web Publishing. Any suggestions??
  13. Let me clarify that actually.. When I change the AEID in the linked file table it just adjusts it in AE table and I end up with duplicate AEIDs in the AE table. When I adjust the AEID in the AE table it correctly reassigns the list of file. ie. if I change the AEID from 1 to 2 it'll update the portal to reflect all files from AEID 2....
  14. No I do have an Id field AEID which links the two tables together otherwise I wouldn't be able to view the 2nd through the portal... What happens when I try to adjust the AEID link in the child table it just adjusts it in the parent table. At the end I end up with two AEs with an identical ID.
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