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Just writing a message that everything I wanted in Filemaker till so far, I got it to work exactly my way, but there is one thing that I could not solve and is not solvable either, I think..

I have a database with clients (pupils), and in the former (non Filemaker, written in basic) version I had a total count of all the pupils, the amounts payd by them. In the written output I had subtotals below each page with the subtotal until that page, to conclude with the total on the last page.

In filemaker of course I have used subsummary parts to calculate the subtotal for each page (running total). But the subsummary parts must be sorted to an item. In my case I sorted them to a calculation field that simulates a pagenumber. Something like Int(recordnumber,40), so that after 40 records printed the break field changes.

(As I remember using an unstored calculation refering to the Status(CurrentPage) as the break-field did not work, but that's off topic here).

This works fine, but I lose my original sorting on name. I want AND the subtotals, AND keep the sorting on name of the pupil. Using TWO lines in the sort window (pagenumber AND name) does not work. Yes it does, but performs the alfabetic namesort only on 40 records at a time, not all the records are that way involved in the namesort.

Anyone knows a solution to keep AND alfabetical name order, AND subtotals below each page?



Have you tried summary FIELDS, or other calculation fields that work only with the current found set?


Quick response..! Quick online answer..

No I did not. Your mentioning 'current found set' sets me on a track:

creating a calculation field like Int(Recordnumber/40) in each record makes it possible with a script to define a found set for each 40 records (each page, presuming they have 40 records on it) and then print it, then 'Show all records' define a new found set for the next 40 records (next 'page'), print it and so on. This way it can be looped which is a condition.

It involves some extra work keeping the subtotals up to date. They have to keep the subtotals UNTIL the current page, not only the current page itself. Using found sets subsummaries forget the previous found sets of course. That is solvable.

But there is a drawback this way..each print occurence, the print of the current found set, is triggered every loop round separately.. I can perhaps solve that with

if (pagenumber=1)



.print [no dialog]


Then I hope indeed that the printing is in one round. And the pagenumbers must be self-made, not filemakermade because every print-round they will jump to 1.


This topic is 8301 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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