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Updated file management plug-in is compatible with FileMaker 19 and adds new powerful functionality


Lienden, the Netherlands, May 20, 2020–Troi today announced the immediate availability of Troi File Plug-in 12.0 for FileMaker 19.

What is Troi File Plug-in?

Troi File Plug-in is a very powerful tool for getting access to information outside the FileMaker database. Any files or folders stored on the computer can be accessed through the functions of the plug-in. All from within FileMaker you can:

  • get data from files that are on the disk of the computer into FileMaker
  • create files anywhere on the hard disk and put data from FileMaker fields into them
  • manipulate files and folders on the disk: this includes creating, deleting, copying, moving and modifying files and folders
  • get the size on disk, creation and modification dates and much more
  • launch and reveal and files directly from FileMaker
  • drag and drop files and/or folders directly onto FileMaker and trigger a script
  • manage your images and movies, including reading and writing metadata

What is new in version 12.0?

Troi File Plug-in 12.0 brings an extended list of new features and functionality to the already long list of possibilities, giving you even more powertools for FileMaker. It adds the following new functionality:

Improved compatibility

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 19 and 18.0.3.
  • Tested and improved compatibility with Windows 10 up to version 1909 (the November 2019 Update).
  • Tested and improved compatibility with macOS Catalina up to version 10.15.4.

New script steps and functions

  • Added new TrFile_GetExtension function, which returns the extension of a file in a filepath. If the filename has no extension an empty string is returned.
  • Added new Bring To Front script step and TrFile_BringToFront function: if the FileMaker Pro application is behind other applications, this step will bring FileMaker Pro in front of other applications. Use this for example when you use the Add Drag and Drop Handler functionality to drag from another application that is in front. In the trigger script you can decide if and when you want to bring FileMaker to the front.

New functionality

  • Added new switch “-DontAddEnclosingFolder” to the TrFile_CreateZIP function. When you add this switch the top folder will not be added to the ZIP file, only the contents of the top folder.
  • Improved the TrFile_CreateZIP function. When the destination ZIP filename does not have an extension the plug-in now adds the .zip extension.
  • Added new option to the Create File script step: “Create Folders: off/on”. When this option is set to “on” the plug-in creates new (sub)folders if they don’t exist in the specified path. Also added a new switch “-CreateFolders” to the TrFile_CreateFilefunction with the same effect.
  • Added new switch “-FileMakerPathFormat” to the TrFile_Search function: when used the result will be a list of FileMaker formatted fully qualified paths. On macOS this will be for example “/macHD/users/ad/text.txt”. On Windows this will be like “/C:/users/ad/text.txt”.
  • (macOS) Added a new switch “-ForceDelete” to the TrFile_DeleteFile function, which forcefully deletes a file if it is busy (open).
  • Improved compatiblity with implicit FileMaker styled paths, like for example “/MacHD/folder/file.txt” and “/C:/directory/file.txt”. Each function or step with a path parameter can now also be given a this FileMaker styled path (without prepending “filemac:” or “filewin:”. Any path starting with a slash will be parsed as a FileMaker styled path (of the platform on which FileMaker Pro is running).
  • (macOS) Improved and prepared the Add DragAndDrop Handler script step and the TrFile_DragAndDrop function for FileMaker Pro 19.
  • Added new switch “-BringToFront” to the TrFile_DragAndDrop function. This will always bring the FileMaker app to the front just before the drag triggerscript is triggered.

Improved metadata features

  • Improved the TrFile_GetMetaData function: added support for TIFF images when using the switches “-GetIPTC”, “-GetEXIF” and “-GetXMP”.
  • Improved the TrFile_GetMetaData function with the switch “-GetGPS”. The plug-in now returns the GPSVersionID tag formatted as readable text, for example “”.
  • Improved the TrFile_SetMetaData function with the switch “-SetEXIF”. You can now write the GPSVersionID tag if you format it as readable version string, for example “”.
  • Improved the TrFile_SetMetaData function, it now has a more robust error checking, especially when using the switch “-SetEXIF”.
  • Improved the SetExif.fmp12 example file, it now shows how to set a different GPS location in the EXIF of an image.
  • Improved the IPTC_XMP_Metadata.fmp12 example file, it now is much more modular and uses variables where possible, making it easier to copy it into your solution.

Other changes and improvements

  • IMPORTANT The minimum supported FileMaker version is now FileMaker Pro 15. Also the minimum supported macOS version is now OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
  • (macOS) Fixed a bug in the Create Folder script step and the TrFile_CreateFolder function: the plug-in can now create folders with a slash in the folder name and no longer returns error code $$-37.
  • (macOS) Fixed a bug in the Add DragAndDrop Handler script step and the TrFile_DragAndDrop function where it could return error $$-5600 when running as a runtime app.
  • (Windows) Fixed a problem where adding the switch “-ScrollDropZone” in the Add DragAndDrop Handler script step and the TrFile_DragAndDrop function would not work for multiple drag zones.
  • (macOS) Improved the Create Zip script step and the TrFile_CreateZIP function: when creating a zip file in a destination folder where you have no write access the plug-in now returns error code $$-5000 (afpAccessDenied) instead of the (unspecific) error code $$15.
  • (macOS) Improved the UnZip script step and the TrFile_UnZIP function: when unzipping to a destination folder where you have no write access the plug-in now returns error code $$-5000 (afpAccessDenied) instead of the (unspecific) error code $$15.
  • (Windows) Improved the TrFile_Search function: using a FileMaker style path (i.e. starting with: “filewin:”) for the search directory now works better. Also fixed a bug where in some cases not all matching results would be returned.
  • Fixed a possible memory leak in the TrFile_SetMovieMetaData function.
  • Fixed a bug in the Set MetaData of Image File script step and the TrFile_SetMetaData function. When setting the metadata on an image on a remote (SMB) disk an error code $$-1401 could be returned.
  • Fixed a possible crash when getting EXIF metadata of an incorrect image in the TrFile_GetMetaData function.
  • Fixed bugs in the TrFile_GetMetaData function with the switch “-GetXMP”. The plug-in now properly returns large XMP metadata (more than 64000 bytes) of JPEG images stored in a container field. Also fixed a potential crash when getting the XMP metadata of an incorrect movie file.
  • (macOS Catalina) Fixed a bug in the Open Folder script step, the Launch File script step and the TrFile_Launch function: on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) an error code $$-10100 could be returned when opening an item located on a AFP mounted disk.
  • (macOS Catalina) Fixed a bug in the Reveal File script step, the Reveal Folder script step and the TrFile_Reveal function, where the incorrect item could be revealed for items located on AFP mounted disks.
  • Improved and modernized the DragAndDrop.fmp12 file. Added new layout and script which demonstrates the BringToFront functionality.

More detailed information on all changes and improvements implemented in Troi File Plug-in 12.0 can be found on the File Plug-in page.

Pricing & Availability

A fully functional demo version of Troi File Plug-in 12.0 is available on the File Plug-in page.

Licenses cost US$ 99 per user. Details on developer licenses and multi-user discounts can be found on the File Plug-in page. You can order licenses there or from our shop.

Upgrade information

Version 12.0 needs a new registration. The upgrade is free for users who bought a license for Troi File Plug-in on or after May 22, 2019. Eligible users will be sent a new registration. Contact us if you have not received yours after May 25, 2020.

Upgrades from licenses bought before May 22, 2019, are available from US$ 59 per user. Upgrade prices for other licenses can be found on the File Plug-in web page or in the shop. You can order upgrades there.

Troi File Plug-in 12.0 for FileMaker Pro 19

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