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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Auto export E-mail


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Yes that is possible. There are a couple of steps involved in the procedure though. First off you would have to trigger the job to start at a certain time using some kind of scheduler. Next, run a script that consists of three steps. First, select all the records that are less than 24 hours old (assuming there is a time/date stamp on each record) using the Perform Find script command. Second export these records to an external file using the Export Records script command. Third, email the external file just created as an attachment to your email user using the Send Mail script command. Make sure to check the Perform Without Dialog option, otherwise you'll have to manually OK the script steps and that would defeat the purpose of the automation.

All of the scripting commands necessary to do this are available in Scriptmaker. The Send Mail command allows you to specify the email address, CC, Subject and Message content of the email. There is an Attach File checkbox in the Message value dialog box. Check this option and tehn specify the file you wish to attach to the email .

Since Filemaker Pro supports ActiveX you could write a simple VB program that opens the FM database and runs the script. Use the scheduler to start the VB program. That would completely automate the entire scenario.

Jeff(The Mad Jammer)

Hope this helps.

And then...there was nothing

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