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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

how 2 summarize the 'top-10' without a fixed value

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hi, im having trouble doing the following: i have a simpel site that serves the main page from a simple database. However, anyone can create a new record (by signing up) and add data. What i want in the startpage is a summary of data, like: # of records (wich runs already) but the main problem is that i cannot figure out how to produce a 'top-10' of users that enter data. Since i dont know the names of the users i cannot use it as a flag. So the field has to check for the highest counts of files, grouped to a user. I'm from the netherlands so it might sound more difficult than it really is (languages pffff) smile.gif



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hi, thanks for responding

I'll try to explain it. I have a database where registered users may add records to. On loading the mainpage i want a list of the 5 or 10 users that have added the most records. so its a count of files, grouped to a user (as you stated) but also 'ranking' of the most frequent users. I could do it with a search but that would mean i'd have to open another page with the results, rather than have it displayed on loading the first page.

Hope i made it clear now and i aplogize for my bad english B)

Thank you,


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