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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Print To Jpeg for Mac


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Has anyone come across a way to Print to Jpeg, much the way you can Print to PDF.

I'm hoping to do this on both OSX and OS9

One thought I had, but not my preferred way was to Print to PDF, then have FM trigger an applescript and have GraphicConverter turn it into a Jpeg.



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There is a shareware printer driver call Print2Pict. It can print to several graphic format files, but not jpg (AFAIK). It will print to PICG and .gif though. You could then use something like Graphic Converter (another shareware program) to convert to jpg.

It only works on OS9, unless there is a newer version.

I don't know of any official web site to get this from, but if you use a search engine with the text 'print2pict download' you should find it.

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In theory, this is something you might look to achieve with a plug-in. However the only plug in I'm aware of that purports to offer this kind of functionality is Exporter/ExportFM. The URL for details, if you're interesed, is as follows


...and although an OS-X version is reputedly in the pipeline, it hasn't yet emerged.


Although I daresay it may seem a strange thing to suggest...

The ability to 'print to jpeg' is a curious (and perhaps one might say unintended) side-benefit of the xmCHART plug-in from X2Max.

xmCHART, when running on MacOS/X provides the capability to generate charts and save them into jpeg files. It also provides the capability to incorporate a graphic from field or the clipboard in a chart - with or without any other chart 'elements'.

So, if you set up a script which copies a page in preview mode, inserts it into an otherwise blank chart and saves it as a jpeg, you've got your jpeg 'print output'.

As a nice touch, the filename for the jpeg can be picked up from a field or calculated within the script - or picked up on the fly via a custom dialog, of course.

xmCHART, as it happens, does rather a lot of other things that are more in line with it's true 'vocational calling' as a graphing engine - but as far as I'm aware, it's the only currently available OS-X compliant option which will offer what you are looking for.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I can print to just about anything with the beauty of applescript and the Mac OS.

Here is a sample of a simple script I use to print to Gif. You could probably use the basic code and use any applescript savey graphics program. In this case I use the customers name to name the image.

Good luck

tell application "Finder"


select file "GIFConverter alias"

open selection

end tell

tell application "GIFConverter"


make at beginning new graphic document


save graphic document "untitled" in file "HD1:Desktop Folder:untitled.gif" as GIF with preferences {GIF87aMode:true, GIFGlobalMap:true, GIFInterlace:true}

end tell

tell application "FileMaker Pro"


set Customer_Name to cell "Name" of record 1

end tell

tell application "Finder"


select file "untitled.gif"

set name of selection to Customer_Name

end tell

tell application "GIFConverter"


end tell

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