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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Portal problem


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I have problem to get my portal to work.

Db1 (orders) are related to db2 (products)

Db1 related to db3 (line_items, storing items from orders)

Db 4 (prices)

I made a portal showing records from db3 (line_items) and I look up a product with a code and this works fine. But now I need to add one more db that holds information about prices for this product. I want a pop-up list showing available prices for this product inside the portal. When I put the pop-up list there is it empty, because there are no related values. So how can I get the pop-up list to show values based on a product name in the portal from a db that has no related files to db1

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Create value list in Child file!!!, than in your master file create an value list as use external value list (the list you've just created) in file "your child file", and attach it to related field in portal.

So when related field has valid value the "related" conditional list will show entries satisfying the "external" relationship.


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That solution will work if products and prices are related but they are not.

The db1 (orders) holds no information on products this is done by db3 (line_items) so I can not get a relation between db4 and db3 inside db1 because db1 has no commend filed called products.

Do you have more solutions

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OK, so you need an conditional value list "AvailablePrices"from file line items to file prices defined as yse only values from field price from relationship productID(in line items)::productID (in prices)

Now in your orders file define an other value list "ExternalAvailablePrices" as use value list "AvailablePrices" from file line items file and attach it to field pricesfrom relationship Order-->line items,in portal.

When you give value to related fieldproductID the value list "AvailablePrices" will become valid so you could choose avilable prices for the item in portal.


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