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I might have asked this question already so If I have asked it, I am sorry. Anyway here is the current calc. I have ID number for each record:"Right(Year( Date ),2)&Right( DayofYear( Date ), 4) &

Right( "0" & Status(CurrentRecordID), 6)". It comes out looking like this 03246019. At the beginging of the new month I want the last 3 numbers to reset back to zero. How can I do this?


Hello dbetts22,

In order to be able to provide a considered answer to your query, it would be helpful if you would first answer a couple of questions:

Is your solution multi-user?

How many records does the database hold and how many is it likely to grow to?

How do users interact with the database - in particular how are new records created?


The DB is Multi User.

It will Have an unlimted records

Users start a new record by clicking on a button which runs a script. The script just starts a new record, nothing fancy in the script.


Ok, fine.

There are a number of ways it can be done, but in light of what you've said, perhaps the most suitable method would be to add a few steps to the new record script which will detect when it is a new month and reset the serial numbers accordingly.

What I suggest you do is first create an additional file with a single record in it, with two number fields - one called CurrentMonthID acn the other called Constant_key. Enter a 1 into Constant_key. Then in your existing file, add a calculating field with the formula set to 1 and create a relationship to the new file which matches the calc to Constant_key field and call the relationship 'MonthRef'.

Next I suggest that you create a number field in your existing file called 'Serial#', define it to auto-enter serial numbers, and then change the formula for your record ID field to something along the lines of:

Right("0" & Month(Status(CurrentDate)), 2) & DayofYear(Status(CurrentDate)) & Right( "00" & Serial, 3)

Once all the above is in place, you will be able to change your new record script to:

If ["TexttoNum(Year(Status(CurrentDate)) & Right("0" & Month(Status(CurrentDate)), 2)) >


Ok I have run into a couple of problems. In the first formula you suggested "Right(gcurrentmonth,2...etc" when I put the formula in it said it couldn't find the field "gcurrentmonth" so ifigured out I needed to make a new field whcih I did. I made the field a date field and selected the creation date. When I plug in the formula i get the following Id number 3015001. I changed the date on my computer to check each month and get a different number for each month Feb=61, march=89. Shouldn't it read 0115001 for Jan and 0232001 for feb.... and so on? Not sure what I did wrong there. Anyway for the second part of the formula I started a new script and selected the IF statement and In the If statement in the specify area I put the calc in you provided in the previous message If["TexttoNum(Year(Status(CurrentDate)) & Right("0" & Month(Status(CurrentDate)), 2)) >



The first problem you encountered arose from an error in my previous post - which I corrected, but apparently not soon enough to stop it from tripping you up. Sorry about that. The first part of the formula should have been Right("0" & Month(Status(CurrentDate)), 2)... rather than Right(gcurrentmonth, 2).

The second issue you've mentioned seems to suggest that the relationship ('MonthRef') and/or the field ('CurrentMonthID') were either not in place or were named differently when you were trying to enter the If [ ] formula. With the relationship and field in place, the formula is working here.


The calc box Hightlights TexttoNum and gives me the error "Either an operator was ommitted,this function cannot be found, or "(" was not expected here."

So not sure what I am still doing wrong. The other is fixed.

Thanks for your help so far. I really appreciate it.



That's puzzling - I just tried it out and it worked straight off here. What version of FileMaker are you using??!

This topic is 7840 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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