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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

portal problems


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Hi there,

I have a database with a table full of projects with a project ID etc. Each project will have been reviewed at a meeting in stage one and reviewed at a second meeting stage 2. Secondly i have a table with the meeting details in - so i will have meetings with dates. What i want to do is introduce a portal on the meetings layout that brings up all the projects discussed at that meeting. I have got this to work for either stage 1 dates or stage 2 dates by creating a relationship between stage 1 date and meeting date. What i need it to do is find all projects that either stage 1 date is = meeting date or stage 2 date is = meeting date. (E.g. i have a meeting on the 25th august(the minutes and agenda for this are stored in the meeting table)- 5 projects were discussed at this meeting (3 were at stage 1 approval and 2 were at stage 2 approval) so in the projects database there will be three projects with stage 1 field = 25th august and also 2 projcts with stage 2 feild = 25th August. I need a portal to bring up all these projects. Please see the attached files to see what i mean.

Can anyone help woith this? Thanks


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Thanks for the help.

I am still having trouble - the way you suggested is exactly what i've been trying to do. Can you please have a look at the attachement because that has the relationship i'm using - notice that business steering committees 2 is a second instance of business steering committes.

How do i get the portal to only use meeting date 1 or 2 as it's search criteria? At the mo it only finds meeting date 1( bscdate 1) records.



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