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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Match a word to another table's contents?

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Hey guys,

I'm relatively new to Filemaker, so I'd greatly appreciate any help:

I have a table called 'Articles' with about 2000 records of publications with a field that contains addresses. Those addresses have within them the country name, although not always in the same place. I also have another table with the names of every country. I would like to be able to perform a count of the Articles that were written in each country. (Eg: 'Canada = 13 articles, Ireland = 4 articles and so on) by seeing if any of the countries in the 'Countries' table is a match anywhere in the address field for all the 'Article' table records.

Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks a lot!

Simon Rascovsky MD, M.Sc

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Simply define an relationship from "Countries" table to "Articles" table country-->address.

Then create an calculation field (in Countries table)



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