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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Row Selection

Toby B

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I have a layout that has 5 portals on it. Each one is dependant on the previous portal as you work across the layout. As you click on a row in one portal a script is triggered to setting a key field that populates the next portal with related records for that particular item ... it also changes the background colour of the clicked row to signal it is the current selection. This all works fine.

The problem I have is this.

The number of records in Portal 1 stays pretty much constant.

Portal 2 may fluctuate but never really exceeds 5 items. So the first two portals are working fine. However Portals 3, 4 & 5 often have more records than what my layout will allow.

When I click on a row in Portal 3 (that I had to scroll down to see in the first place) and then click on a row in Portal 4 the focus in Portal 3 returns to the top instead of staying where it was. Similiarly Portal 4 has the same problem when I click into Portal 5.

Is the anyway of freezing a Portal's scroll position so that it doesn't return to the top when you click into another portal?

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