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why will portal data (relationship table) not get data

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Preface: I'm working with FM Pro 6.

In my case I have an AppleScript that uses a

tell application "Filemaker Pro"

block in it to retrieve records from a Works database table that has relations to three other tables (titles, creators, images). So in the layouts, there will be references to fields like "Titles::Title Qualifier", etc. The problem I'm having is that when I reference the related data in a set statement it works most times but not others. I don't understand why the syntax will work in one place and not the other. The only issue that I thought was the fact that all the references were not on the same layout. But even adding code to switch layouts before using the set statement did not work. Below is a snippet of the code. All related field references work successfully except for the last one.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



tell application "FileMaker Pro"

	--Prompt for the desired project to export from IRIS

	display dialog "Enter the project name:" default answer "backlog"

	set projectNameValue to text returned of the result




	open irisDirectory & irisTitles with password irisPassword

	set irisTitlesDB to (a reference to database irisTitles)

	if (exists irisTitlesDB) is false then

		display dialog "There is a problem finding the " & irisDirectory & irisTitles & " file. Click Cancel and resolve this, then run the script again."


	end if

	open irisDirectory & irisRepository with password irisPassword

	set irisRepositoryDB to (a reference to database irisRepository)

	if (exists irisRepositoryDB) is false then

		display dialog "There is a problem finding the " & irisDirectory & irisRepository & " file. Click Cancel and resolve this, then run the script again."


	end if

	open irisDirectory & irisWCreator with password irisPassword

	set irisWCreatorDB to (a reference to database irisWCreator)

	if (exists irisWCreatorDB) is false then

		display dialog "There is a problem finding the " & irisDirectory & irisWCreator & " file. Click Cancel and resolve this, then run the script again."


	end if

	open irisDirectory & irisWSLinks with password irisPassword

	set irisWSLinksDB to (a reference to database irisWSLinks)

	if (exists irisWSLinksDB) is false then

		display dialog "There is a problem finding the " & irisDirectory & irisWSLinks & " file. Click Cancel and resolve this, then run the script again."


	end if

	open irisDirectory & irisWorks with password irisPassword

	set irisWorksDB to (a reference to database irisWorks)

	if (exists irisWorksDB) is false then

		display dialog "There is a problem finding the " & irisDirectory & irisWorks & " file. Click Cancel and resolve this, then run the script again."


	end if

	-- Identify the works to be exported and get their corresponding image records.

	tell database irisWorks

		if (projectNameValue ≠ "") then

			set workList to (ID of every record whose (cellValue of cell "Project Name" = projectNameValue)) as list


			set workList to (ID of every record whose (cellValue of cell "Approved" ≠ "")) as list

		end if

		set workCount to count of workList


		-- Loop through the works and identify approved works to be exported.

		repeat with workIndex from 1 to workCount

			set workRecord to (a reference to record ID (item workIndex of workList as integer))

			go to layout "Data Entry/Edit Page 1"

			set workNumber to cellValue of cell "Work No." of workRecord

			-- Only export works that have been approved.

			if ((cellValue of cell "Approved" of workRecord) ≠ "") then

				set projectWorkCount to projectWorkCount + 1

				set workNumber to cellValue of cell "Work No." of workRecord

				set workProjectName to cellValue of cell "Project Name" of workRecord as text

				set workTitle to cellValue of cell "Titles::Title" of workRecord as list

				set workTitleQualifier to cellValue of cell "Titles::Title Qualifier" of workRecord as list

				set workCategories to cellValue of cell "Category" of workRecord as list

				set workSubjects to cellValue of cell "Subjects" of workRecord as list

				set workSubjectAuthority to my getSubjectAuthority(workSubjects) as list

				set workSubjectSubtypes to cellValue of cell "Subject Subtypes" of workRecord as list

				set workSubjectSubtypeAuthority to my getSubtypeAuthority(workSubjectSubtypes) as list

				set workMaterials to cellValue of cell "Materials" of workRecord as list

				set workCentury to cellValue of cell "Century" of workRecord as list

				set workStartYear to cellValue of cell "Start Year" of workRecord as text

				set workEndYear to cellValue of cell "End Year" of workRecord as text

				set workDates to cellValue of cell "Work Dates" of workRecord as text

				set workEra to cellValue of cell "Era" of workRecord as text

				set workCountry to cellValue of cell "Country" of workRecord as list

				set workType to cellValue of cell "Work Type" of workRecord as list

				set workTypeAuthority to my getWorkTypeAuthority(workType) as list

				if (exists (cellValue of cell "Current Site" of workRecord)) then

					set workCurrentSite to cellValue of cell "Current Site" of workRecord as text


					set workCurrentSite to "" as text

				end if

				if (exists (cellValue of cell "Former Site" of workRecord)) then

					set workFormerSite to cellValue of cell "Former Site" of workRecord as text


					set workFormerSite to "" as text

				end if

				set workLocality to cellValue of cell "Locality" of workRecord as text

				set workDimensions to cellValue of cell "Dimensions" of workRecord as text

				set workCulture to cellValue of cell "Culture" of workRecord as list

				set workCultureAuthority to my getCultureAuthority(workCulture) as list

				set workPeriod to cellValue of cell "Period" of workRecord as list

				set workPeriodAuthority to my getPeriodAuthority(workPeriod) as list

				set workTechniques to cellValue of cell "Techniques" of workRecord as list

				if (exists (cellValue of cell "sRepository Display" of workRecord)) then

					set workRepositoryDisplay to cellValue of cell "sRepository Display" of workRecord as text

					if (exists (cellValue of cell "Repository::Repository Authority" of workRecord)) then

						set workRepositoryAuthority to cellValue of cell "Repository::Repository Authority" of workRecord as text


						set workRepositoryAuthority to "" as text

					end if


					set workRepositoryDisplay to "" as text

					set workRepositoryAuthority to "" as text

				end if

				set workRepositoryNumber to cellValue of cell "Repository No." of workRecord as text

				set workCollector to cellValue of cell "Collector" of workRecord as text

				set workCatalogersNotes to cellValue of cell "Cataloger's Notes" of workRecord as text

				set workPID to cellValue of cell "PID" of workRecord as text

				set creatorIdList to cellValue of cell "WCreator::Creator ID" of workRecord as list

				set workCreatorName to cellValue of cell "WCreator::Creator Name" of workRecord as list

				set workCreatorQualifier to cellValue of cell "WCreator::Creator Qualifier" of workRecord as list

				set workCreatorRole to cellValue of cell "WCreator::Creator Role" of workRecord as list

				set workCreatorDates to cellValue of cell "WCreator::Creator Dates" of workRecord as list

				set workCreatorAuthority to my getCreatorAuthority(creatorIdList) as list

				set workExportDate to cellValue of cell "Export Date" of workRecord

				do script "Go to List Assoc. Images"


				set workImageList to cellValue of cell "WSLinks::Surrogate No." of workRecord as list

				set workTitleCount to count of workTitle

				set workCreatorCount to count of creatorIdList

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