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getting the "Internal Server Error" message when trying to configure Web Publishing Engine FileMaker Server Advanced


recap: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger (mac mini), FIleMaker server Advanced 7.0 (updated FMS to 7.0v4 updated FMSA to 7.0v3)


symptom: getting the "Internal Server Error" message when trying to configure WPE via the web interface at /fmi/config

- after trying this problem (as described above) on the FSA forums, I attempted several uninstall/re-installs of FMS and FMSA from disk image, as recommended by many. I then even tried a clean install of Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4), a re-install of FMS & FMSA as outlined, and STILL got stuck with the same problem (Internal Server Error in browser)

This is still the place I am stuck-- although I have learned along the way a great deal about what to look for, I need to know even more about what to look for and how to nail this one. Here are my notes and observations of the machine as of today:

I have discovered that the Web Publishing Engine seems not to be running or loading, which is why I am getting the "Internal Server Error" message in the browser when I go to configure it (http://localhost/fmi/config)


I do not see a process for the WPE in Activity Monitor-- the only filemaker processes running are 'FileMaker Server' and 'fmserver_helperd' -- I do not see any processes owned by 'fmweb'


This is consistent with my observations of of the machine-- FIleMaker server is working fine but WPE fails to respond (because, as I have figured out with help, it is not loading)


I have attempted to stop, start, restart, stop, and start the WPE by command line-- as specified on pg 52 of the WPE Installation guide-- I have even discovered (not specified in the manual) that you can execute the SystemStarter with the -d flag to show debugging information, as follows:


sudo SystemStarter -d start "FileMaker Web Publishing"


When I execute this command the WPE does not load (can see this from Activity Monitor). As I can see from the debugging info, it says some things I don't understand, and then the last thing it says is an ominous "Unknown service: FileMaker Web Publishing".


Here are my questions about the debugging output (below) -- any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


#1) There's something fishy about the disabled StartupItem: /Library/StartupItems/FileMakerPublishingEngine --- I'm not sure how to fix this. In the past I've repaired disk permissions (Disk Utility) and this has fixed the startup item warnings that appear in the OS. But here I'm NOT seeing warnings in the OS and I am WPE fail to load when I SystemStarter by command line to start it.


#2) I don't really understand the 'required', 'uses', and 'found' -- can someone enlighten me here -- are these errors (i.e. what should it look like)?


#3) I don't understand why it abruptly ends with "Unknown service: FileMaker Web Publishing" and if that has to do with #1 (the startup items)


So where did I go wrong? The install was in the order specified (as discussed on that post http://www.fmforums.com/forum/showtopic.php?tid/168284/post/169897/ ) after a clean installation & Apple software update of Mac OS X 10.4 on a relatively brand new Mac Mini.


Any other ways to examine the WPE startup problem? (Like, are there log files?)


Terminal session with debugging output below....


sandbox:~ admin$ sudo SystemStarter -d start "FileMaker Web Publishing"


SystemStarter[228]:) Found item: FileMakerPublishingEngine

SystemStarter[228]:) Skipping disabled StartupItem: /Library/StartupItems/FileMakerPublishingEngine

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: FileMakerServer

SystemStarter[228]: Skipping disabled StartupItem: /Library/StartupItems/FileMakerServer

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: FileMakerServerHelper

SystemStarter[228]: Requires: Evaluating Resolver

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Evaluating Disks

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Keeping Disks

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Evaluating Network

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: Apache

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Evaluating Disks

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Keeping Disks

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Evaluating NFS

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Keeping NFS

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: AppleShare

SystemStarter[228]: Requires: Evaluating Disks

SystemStarter[228]: Requires: Keeping Disks

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: AppServices

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: AuthServer

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: CrashReporter

SystemStarter[228]: Found item: Disks

SystemStarter[228]: Requires: Evaluating SecurityServer

SystemStarter[228]: Uses: Evaluating System Tunin


Requires, Uses, and Found refer to resources needed.

The fact that FileMakerServer and FileMakerPublishingEngine are skipped is the real issue. Are you positive that the permissions are correct? Check them in Terminal, here's what mine are:


dr-xr-xr-x 6 root wheel 204 Jul 15 19:03 FileMakerPublishingEngine

drwxr-xr-x 5 root wheel 170 May 6 2004 FileMakerServer

drwxr-xr-x 6 root wheel 204 Oct 3 10:52 FileMakerServerHelper


-r-xr-x--- 1 root wheel 3724 Aug 30 2004 FileMakerPublishingEngine

dr-xr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Jul 15 19:03 Resources

-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 244 Aug 30 2004 StartupParameters.plist

-r-xr-x--- 1 root wheel 982 Aug 30 2004 wpc_ctl


-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 390 Feb 22 2004 FileMakerServer

drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 May 6 2004 Resources

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 499 Feb 6 2004 StartupParameters.plist


-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 465 Feb 6 2004 FileMakerServerHelper

drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 May 6 2004 Resources

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 551 Feb 6 2004 StartupParameters.plist

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