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Newbie here:

I have a db of newspaper delivery routes. One field is "Carrier" which consists of dozens of last names. Another field is "CopyNumber" which is the number of newspapers that get dropped off at each drop site. ie: Johnson drops 100 papers at convience store 1, 275 papers at store 2, etc.

I need to be able to get the the sum of the field CopyNumber for all records for Johnson, all records for Smith, etc. Right now I can only get the final total for all carriers combined.

I appreciate your input.




Create a layout that has a subsummary (trailing) on carrier. Add a summary field for CopyNumber and place this in the subsummary area. Sort your data by carrier and preview thre results.




I'm getting closer to the solution. Now I have to work on the layout.

I don't have the layout set up in a manner that others will be able to retrieve the info they need. They are more ignorant than I am regarding FM. Can you please tell me how to make a layout that will give me a list of carriers with their totals and a grand total at the bottom? Something like the attached picture.

Thanks again, -Kevin



Add another part for the grand total and put the same CopyNumber Summary field there. It should summarize all the data on the report.

You didn't ask, but I'll throw in that your image suggests that you are not interested in the individual dropsite counts, but just the carrier totals. If this is the case, you won't actually need the layout's default part named Body; you can either delete it or scruntch it up so that it doesn't take up any space.

With regard to your users, my guess is that you will ultimately create an interface for them that prompts them for their search criteria (via some sort of search layout), conducts that search (via some script triggered by a button placed on the search layout), sorts the result (same script), and previews the report (same script).



This topic is 7032 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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