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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Staring with FM and BPK to send and receive emails difficult


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I'm a newbie tempted into the Filemaker World. Thoought Filemaker would easily be able to handle incoming and outgoing email messages, but haven't succeeded so far.

The BPK also doesn't seem that easy to customise or integrate with my existing FM datbase.

Anyone any tips on how to proceed and integrate the BPK and graft it on to my own simple FM file,or do yopu have to be a devloper to hnadle this stuff.


[email protected]

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I am surprised to receie no responses!

Either no one uses the BPS or it is unusable. If some people have successfully integrated the BPS starter kit into a functioning CMS, it would be nice to get some confirmation that it is actually possible.

What I have discovered from the BPS - I think - is that the idea of contact management is based on first going to the email module and then acessing the contact from there. Have I got this completely wrong or ?

Brian T

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I think the wast majority of developers build solutions right from scatch or uses their own templates, since they have been at the tool for ages and it's not because there is something wrong with the BPS, execpt the angle to approach a tool is different. How many artists attend paint by numbers classes do you think??


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