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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Data transfer from Filemaker(Win) to MYOB(Win)

uku patil

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Hi to All,

I have already developed data transfer from Filemaker to MYOB application with the help of Applescript.

Now i am interested in same functionality on windows platform i.e. data transfer from filemaker(Win) to MyOB(Win) which is a accounting package.

Can any one help me to achieve this functionality?

Please feel free to convey your idea even.



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Considering ODBC technology,

I downloaded both myobodbc_uk and myobodbc_us drivers(As MYOB ODBC drivers are country specific), Installed on my machine(Win 2000 O/s).

But facing problem in ODBC ..start from DSN creation. While creating DSN, it passes message as

"The company file selected is a United Kingdom Company. This version of MYOB ODBC only supports United States Company files."

for both drivers no change in message. So i could not create DSN.

Please through some light.


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