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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

updated records automatically from filmaker 6 to filemaker 8


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I am in the process of migrating / redeveloping a fairly large system from Fm6 to fm 8.5. There is one file (jobs file) that I need to import data into filemaker 8.5 a few times a day.

Is there a plug in that works with filemaker 6 and filemaker 8.5 to do this.

I am guessing I will need to export out fm 6 and import into 8.5 and cannot have the 2 databases talk directly.

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Hi pw:

I'm not aware of any plug-ins that would do this, but that doesn't mean they're not out there.

When FileMaker moved from version 6 to version 7, the underlying architecture changed so much that importing data from a legacy file required the legacy file first be converted into the FM7 format.

That being said, I suppose one could export records from a FM6 database into one of the available file formats, then import the resulting file into a FM7 database. However, doing that "a few times a day" sounds burdensome.

If there are no barriers to converting the Jobs file into a FM7 database, you would arguably have an easier time of moving the data to your newer files.

Indeed, doing so may be very helpful to your project. Once the Jobs file is converted, and depending on the needs/requirements of your project, you would have the option of creating relationships between the Jobs.fp7 file and your newer files. Not knowing any specifics of your project, this may open the door to simply "relating" the data in Jobs to your newer files, allowing "the 2 databases [to] talk directly" and obviating any need for the export/import scheme.

Hope these remarks are helpful. Stay tuned ... I bet our gurus will have some bright ideas.

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The conversion of the old filemaker 6 version is kind of why I need to do this. The old system is a 95 file system that I am rebuilding in phases. The main phase that links everything is the jobs table.

I can't just covert that table to FM 7 because there is so much of the FM 6 system that still needs ties to it including external customers.

I've done some smaller systems conversations and taking a few tables into one file it filemaker 7. I would hate to try to do that with 96 tables, 100's of relationships, value lists and scripts.

I know there are sepearte plug-ins that work for exporting out of 6, but I'd like to use the same computer to automatically run the script in 6 and then import in 7. (At least use the same machine to process it)

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