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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Probably Simple...but


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I'd like to restrict a user to only see records that have a certain field value.

So if a user named 'jones' logs in, he would only see records where the field 'owner' has a value of 'jones'.

Seems awfully simple, but I can't quite pull it off. Could someone help me out here? Thanks!

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You can set up a limited privilege set under accounts and passwords. Select custom privileges for records and then for the various fields that you want to limit access to, select the limited option under the various menus, and enter a formula like this:

CreatedBy=Get ( AccountName )

where CreatedBy is a field with the autoenter option set to enter the User Account name.

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Thanks for the reply!

I got this to partially work. I now have limited access to certain records to edit, but other records partially show with <> displayed. Anyway to have these omitted from displaying? Thanks again!

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Do a find for just the respective user's records. The ones will then disappear. Also, when doing a find on any data field, if Record Level Access is in effect, any records the user is not allowed to see that otherwise would have been included in the Find result will not be displayed.


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