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FileMaker Server 7 is on Windows 2003 for Small Business Server.

I am totally new at this. I need to be hand-held in this area. My server recently crashed, power supply, but got it repaired. But now the clients cannot access the filemaker server. They open up the program on the client workstation, open remote and nothing shows up in the right pane. The address is there,, is that the right address? Or is it I spoke with a guy on the phone from support and he says looks like it's corrupt. He had me copy one of the DB files form the server to the client desktop to access it that way. So I opened FileMaker, opened the copied file, and it asked for a username and password, but I could not get in. Now how do I go about this? I have the db files on tape backup through Veritas. But I really don't know what I have to do to resolve this. Really stuck and urgent!! Any help or direction on this would be so appreciated.


First... get the backup tape, the most recent copy before the crash -- Never try to continue using a crashed version. Secondly, It's likely not FileMaker Server that you have to re-install and thirdly, the IP address of your server may (though it isn't likely) have changed.

What you'll need to do is get that most recent backup, put it on server, and try and host it with fileMaker server. If FMS opens it successfully try to access it again off a client machine -- if that works you're all set.

If it still doesn't work. Go to start --> Run --> Type "ipconfig" and hit enter. Look at your IP address and if it doesn't say come back.

  • Newbies

Hi. 1st thanks so much for getting back so quickly. A couple of questions. When putting the most recent backup on the server, do I delete the db files that are currently in the DATA folder on the server? How do I host it with FileMaker server? When looking for the ip address, do you mean on the client? As for the IP address on the client, (the client you mean right), the address will be in the 192.168.16.x range. Also, when I open FileMaker server admin and connect, it shows as favorite hosts - that's what comes up by default. If I choose Local Hosts, it shows Which is it supposed to be, which should I be into; favorite hosts or local hosts? That's it for now I guess until I hear from you again. I will be at the server tonight trying to fix this, so I will probably will be on the forum also.


Okay 1) Other files in the data folder ... e.g. your old data base files... yes remove them.

2) Open fileMaker server admin, right click ?FileMaker Server --> connect to fm server. is the local host... i.e. it's the way a computer addresses itself in a network without having to actually go through the network -- as opposed to which will go to your access point which will then check to see if that computer is connected, if it is (which it is) it then just bounces directly back to your server so you just go out, and back-in on a54mbps connection if you're on wireless... just the point is, yes that's the ip address you want if you are administering on the server. If you are using the admin utility on another computer inside the office then you use You should know the password it asks you for.

3) Expand the new option that appears "SERVER ( Choose databases -- this will show you all the .fp7 files that are within the data folder. Right click the one you want to host, and choose "open" -- the file will now be hosted.

  • Newbies
Posted (edited)

Hi again. Why would I want to host just one file? Are you talking about the files that are under "Databases - Folders - Files?" Do I restore the whole "DATA" folder or just the files within "FILES" FOLDER?" I'm a bit confused...

AND oh yes.....when you right click on those fp7 files, the OPEN option is grayed out. PAUSE & CLOSE Databses are the only options

Edited by Guest

1) I didn't suggest you host only one file

2) You should restore the whole data folder.

3) The reason the "open" options are greyed out is because all your databases are already "open" and therefore being hosted. You should close them all, remove them from the data folder, restore the backups, then go back into FMS, open all the backups. As to why you can't actually see the files on the clients, I'm not sure.

  • Newbies

Okay.. Got that about restoring the whole data folder. But in that data folder are the databases, but also 3 other folders, some .jpgs, and 3 .txt files. Will I leave them in there and just remove the database files? Also do I close the databases on the client? If I do it on one client, will they be closed to everyone? Or do I close them on the the actual server? If so, where? I'm really sorry if I seem to be "dumb" to this. I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to db'es. I guess I'm a bit wary of screwing up the data and losing the data. Anyway, I tried calling support again, but they are closed on weekends. thanks again.


RE the dumb bit... just don't bother putting yourself down, not a good practice. To close them, you have to do them on FM server. So open it up as before, get to the database window select them one at a time and just choose close. Once that's done remove them from the data folder and replace them with the originals.

Regarding the JPG and TXT folders... they really shouldn't be there in the first place and i strongly suggest you move them somewhere else.


If you need training to be able to adminsiter the databases, there are plenty of opportunities for that.

Also, check the Server Tech Brief on the FMI web site:


That's why we wrote them and why FMI put them there.


This topic is 6631 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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