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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

List Calculation


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I need to place each of the values in a list into separate fields so I can do further calculations on them separately.

Is there a way of getting each value in a list into separate fields within the same record?

Thanks for you help (again)


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"I need to place each of the values in a list into separate fields so I can do further calculations on them separately."

Why? FMP 8.5 and later has several functions that allow easy selection of values from a list. This can be combined with variables and recursive custom functions to do practically anything in a single calculation field.

You'll need FMP Advanced to create or edit custom functions.

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separate fields within the same record

...Or why not keep separate values as records in a related table, shown via a portal perhaps even cut up.

Well here's a suggestion that might fit you problem?? But as such a stab in the dark!



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This topic is 6242 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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