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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Newbie ? Dynamic Field Size (vertical) in Browse, Preview, Print?

Mary Elizabeth

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I'm on the Demo, trying to decide if FM 9 can meet my needs. My data in several fields varies widely in character length - I don't want to see only 1 line of my lengthier entries in Preview/Browse/Print, and I don't want to print huge amounts of empty space if I set the layout for the longest entry.

I can't use Excel, in which the record height is individually adjustable, because of the 255 character/cell limit.

Pre-Sales couldn't help me after 1 1/2 hours, and suggested that maybe someone here could come up with a solution. He didn't specify which forum, so if I should ask somewhere else, please let me know.

I would greatly appreciate any creative input - I'm an educator/educational product developer and need a tool to hold my research/data.

TIA for any help,

Mary Elizabeth

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