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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Using value list selection to make field appear

Mr. Chamberlain

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I am needing help with this: I have a value list with 8 values. I would like a field to appear next to the value list, the field being based on which value is selected. There are 8 different fields that I am trying to accomplish this with, each based on the value list selection. The field that appears needs to be editable by the end user. Any help would be appreciated.

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Thank you for your reply. That is a very cool feature that you sent me but not quite what I am seeking. I may not have explained it clearly; let me try again.

My Value list contains 5 values: A, B, C, D, E

If "A" is selected, Field A appears or becomes active. If "B" is selected, Field B appears, and so on.

So for each value in the value list, I have a unique data field to match up with it. The value list selection brings up the correct field for data entry. As the value list selection changes, the field changes, not just the content within the field. The data field needs to be editable by the user, the value list does not need to be editable.

I hope that makes more sense. Let me thank you again for taking the time to post, I really appreciate and need the help while I am trying to expand my knowledge,

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The value list selection brings up the correct field for data entry

It would be easiest if the field was at least a relation away, since we only have GetField( for indirection purposes, not the other way PutField( ...see template below:

A tabbed layout might give you what you're after, just put a field in each tab.

The visibility trick could, also be what you had in mind:


But you description is unfortunately kept quite abstract, you need to tell us why you need this feature - not just how you wish it to behave.



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This topic is 6247 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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