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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

How to copy a drop-down selection into another?


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I'm new to filemaker and I'm in trouble with this situation:

I have 3 drop-down fields

Producer (field ProducerID)

Director (field DirectorID)

Actor (field ActorID)

I'm loading all 3 of them with external data from another table as:

CrueMemberID - CrueMemberFullName

I have already stablished relations between CrueMemberID and all 3 fields

I'm only showing the CrueMemberFullName in the 3 drop-down menues, but storing the first value.

Sometimes the producer is the director and maybe also the actor of the movie, so I need to be able to click on a button and copy the producer selection into director, and another button that updates director and actor with the producer selection.

How can this be done?

Please help.



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