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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

find or calculate greatest number of recurrences


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I have a database of sales records. I want to be able to sort or calculate the people/business who are most active:


Name: Price:

bob $3567

jim $567

bob $4798

bob $467

tim $3568

joe $567

tim $46

And I want the data to show something like this

# of records: Name:

3 bob

2 tim

1 jim

1 joe

Thanks, Justim

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There are about 47 ways to do that, Justim, depending on how your "database of sales records" is structured. And you haven't told us a single thing about that.

I suggest you post a brief description of where and how the different elements (names, amounts, sales etc) are stored and how they relate. Then there might be a chance of someone here offering advice that is more than a wild guess. :wink2:

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This topic is 6195 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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