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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Error 9 on a Re-Login Script


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I've just installed a new Multi-user Database in my company. 7 Major files with 300 users. I've set up the Accounts and Privileges, and use one file to for the users to login. The 'Open Script I use then calls the Open Script for all 6 other files - with a $User varaible set to the Account Name (And passed in to the scripts), and a default password thats used for 6 of the files. However, I keep getting an error 9 - Insuffucient Priveleges - even though the scripts are marked with 'Run Script with Full Acess Privileges'. I'm in a deperate bind - If any one can help thanks

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There should be no need to pass accounts and passwords to the other files. The current account and password from the parent file will be used to open the other files. Instead of using Open[], you might try Perform Script[External] to call an opening script in the other files.

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Actually I do a perform script called 'Open' in each file. The reason I call these with the user account name is so that priveleges for that user will be applied. If I do not set the File Open... parameter to automaticall open in [Guest] user mode, then FileMaker ask me for the User and Password for each of the files needed to be open. So, am I doing something wrong here? I like the idea that FMP would open the other files with the user Account & Priveleges from the main file.

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I've tried what you've said - but it still ask for a user name & password. Even if I delete all users from Account & Privelegs...

Going back to my original question... what would cause an error 9 when the script is set to full access?

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"it still ask for a user name & password. Even if I delete all users from Account & Privelegs"

If you've deleted the accounts, nobody can log in.

Take the time to work out how FileMaker Pro's accounts and privileges work. Don't try to invent your own or do something different, it either won't work at all or it won't work very well.

Set up the accounts and privileges so each file has the same account names (make sure the passwords match). The privileges assigned to each account can be different in each file. Set each file to NOT automatically login with an account.

Now open the main file with a valid account name. As long as the other files have the same account name (and the same password) they should all open up without prompting for authentication.

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Ok, I'll give a try... the difference in the files was the password. all files after them main one had a general password. For the initial use of the database, the users had been given a password, "spectrum", which then asked them to change it to something personal. Now, if I make the change your talking about - how does the password go from the main file into the 6 secondary files? or do that have to sign in 7 times for the first run?

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That worked... but I had to sign-in and change password to all seven files the first time. After that - only once. This won't work in my environment - so I either assign passwords (not a good idea), or I provide the login dialog and capture the password? Is that my only options - does anybody have any other suggestions?

Thanks for all of your help.

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"... how does the password go from the main file into the 6 secondary files? or do that have to sign in 7 times for the first run?"

Either use external authentication, or create scripts to automate the process. If you don't use external authentication, do NOT let users change their own passwords. As you've discovered, things go haywire of the accounts and paasswords get out of sync.

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