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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Export Multiple Tables to XML


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I have seperate tables for each WBS level of a project (WBS Levels 4-8)

Each table will contain the same fields to be exported, and I need to create ONE XML file that contains all the records from all WBS levels.

What is the best way to get all these records into one XML file?

Thanks for any guidance!

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There is a document(relative file path) function in xsl, which can be used in an xsl stylesheet to import data from another xml file, other than the one being currently exported. So you could use your last xml export to assemble, insert and manipulate the data from the previous xml exports.

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Hi Fenton. Thanks for the reply. I am currently using an XSL to transform the data and create the tags.

So if I am understanding you correctly, on the last export, WBS 8, (say ive already exported WBS 4-7)I would modify the XSL to reference/insert the other XML files as well as export the last WBS?

Sorry, i am fairly new to XML. Do you know the correct syntax for doing this?


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I've not done it much myself, except just a quick experiment (a while ago), but from what I can tell, it is fairly simple. You can either use the document() function directly as the top of a node path, or you can set a variable to the document, then use that in node paths.

Say you have an xml file named "WBS_7.xml", in the same folder, whose root element is "widgets." In the WBS_4.xsl file (last export, top level?).

This would produce something like:

A widget name

You'll also want to look at the and elements also, which can bring in whole chunks of xml in one piece, with one command. Much easier than for-each, value-of. Copy-of is also known as "deep copy," and it gets pretty much everything, all children. Copy is known as "shallow copy," and just gets the element of the current node. And I just read that in a book :(-]

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