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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

New Currency


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On the first of january 2002 a dozen countries or so in Europe will convert to a new currency, the Euro. Like every other currency this one has a special symbol (like $, or fl).

It may seem aerlu to start this now, but in due time we'd like to show dutch guilders as well as euro's on our invoices....

So: can anyone tell me how to get this currency symbol in Filemaker?




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Hi Yeti

If you are using a Mac this will work

<shift> <option> 2 will get you the Euro E

Irrespective of your OS it is dependent on the font you use.

This is OK for all the latest apple system fonts that are part of the standard system installation.

I should think that someone would have the bases covered for windose (sp?) wink.gif




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Thanx Coops!

But now a new problem. I've scripted the guilder-symbol so that when somebody enters a number the symbol automatically appears.

So how do I script this for the Euro? I was wondering if there isn't somebody out there who made a smart thingamafidge to get this done. Or does your solution work in scripts as well.....



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How about the trick of superimposing a calculated field (cField) over top of your currency entry field (eField) with the calculated field set to disallow entry. When you click on, or tab to the eField you enter the number there. When you leave the field, the calculated field, in front, displays the proper currency symbol from the following calculation:

cField=if(happy," smile.gif"," frown.gif") & NumToText(eField)

Sorry, my old Mac has no Euro symbol but the idea is the same.

[This message has been edited by BobWeaver (edited January 05, 2001).]

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