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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×


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In my opinion, this forum may be the best resource in the world for all Filemaker related stuff!

What exactly are you trying to do?

Are you just trying to share a database with other users on a network?

Just open the sharing prefs from the file menu and click over to Multi-User. Open the DB, place it in a shared folder on your computer and everyone will be able to get at it. This is a bit over simplified because you may have many network issues to deal with but it is basically that easy.

If you are trying to share it with FMP Server, I don't have any experience with that.

If you are trying to determine how to best share, it depends on how many people are going to have access. Basically if you more than a dozen or so people accessing simultaneously it is best to run FMP Server.

Hope this helps a bit.


PS - I think this is covered well in the FMP manual as well.

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