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Perhaps I have missed something in the documentation... But, is there a way to change the format for displaying date/time and file-size in the title of a Supercontainer? dd/mm/yyyy is what our customers would like to see, not the default mm/dd/yyyy. And 124678335 bytes is not as intuitive as 12.5Mb.


I do not believe that there is currently a way to have the SuperContainer applet display the date in a different format, though you could display the information differently in your FileMaker solution if you used the SCGetInfo function for your supercontainer file and then set a date field using that information.

Where are you seeing the filesize displayed in bytes? If you are using the SCGetInfo function you can parse this data using a calculation to have it display in whatever unit you would like. I was just checking the applet and mine iis displaying filesize in MB or K.


Hi David

I guess I was hoping to find a simple way to do this without using the plug-in.

The information is reporting in "bytes" when I have the following parameters at the end of the Web-Viewer definition: & "?height=64&width=64&style=nopreview+nolink+listview+info". The attached screen-grab shows this.



If you are trying to display only the text information about the document, I definitely recommend using the SuperContainer Companion Plugin. Your performance will be improved over using many web viewers and you will be able to use the fields in list view, which you would not be able to do with web viewers.

If you are worried about distributing the plugin to your users, I would recommend using autoupdate to distribute the plugin to your users. We have instructions on how to set up autoupdate in an example database at fmp7://autoupdate.360works.com/AutoUpdate360Works. This will make the plugin auto-install when a user connects to your database, so you do not need to worry about a user not having the plugin.


Hi David

I have implemented the plug-in and have had reasonable success. Thanks for the advice.

My solution now has both a Web-viewer and a set of fields that use the plug-in to display file info.

It all works perfectly when running on our LAN and our WAN, but when deployed via IWP, the plug-in cannot successfully perform the SCSetBaseURL function, and therefore my fields that use the plug-in are blank.

The plug-in is operating correctly as my IWP front page displays the version number in a field that is calculated during start-up. My start-up script is identical to the one which works perfectly on the LAN and the WAN. I have successfully installed the plug-in, on our server, in the web-engine and on my local Mac.

The SCSetBaseURL uses the actual hostname of our server, which resolves fine in the Web-viewer (ie I can see images in the Web-viewer when logged in over IWP) but the plug-in (using the same base URL) cannot connect.

Any suggestions?

I also had an issue with memory - I kept getting a "java heap space" error. It seemed to be resolved by reducing the number of calls to the plug-in, and storing information in variables. Is the "java heap space" something that can be increased?



It sounds like you do not have the plugin installed on your FileMaker Server's IWP directory. Please make sure you have the plugin installed in /FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/Publishing Engine/wpc/Plugins folder (you may need to create the Plugins folder yourself).

Are you getting this heapspace error in your FileMaker pro clients? Could you email me a log after the next time you get this error? Logs can be found at:


/Users/userName/Library/Logs/360Plugin Logs/

/Users/userName/Library/Logs/360Plugin Logs/360Works FM WPE

/Users/userName/Library/Logs/360Plugin Logs/360Works FM Pro


DriveLetter:Documents and SettingsMy Documents360Plugin Logs

DriveLetter:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocuments360Works FM Pro

DriveLetter:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocuments360Works FM WPE

Vista: DriveLetter:UsersDocuments360Plugin Logs



I am pretty sure the plug-in is correctly installed. See screen grab 1. The only thing I noticed is that your documentation uses a different syntax for the folder path for installation, compared to what I have on my server. Eg you have "Publishing Engine", I have "publishing-engine". Are your notes for v9? I am running FMP 10 Server Advanced on a Mac.

Also, the fact that a call of SCVersion in the IWP layout returns the result "2.631" seems to imply the plug-in is correctly working.

However, as screen grab 2 shows, a "SetBaseURL" does not connect properly (but this does work on our LAN).

The "java heap space" error has not returned since I reduced the number of calculations that use the plug-in. Initially I would have had perhaps 30 uses of the SCGetInfo function - now I have only one. I will try to recreate it and send you some further information.


PS - I was unable to upload the images. Can I send these via email? Can we connect outside the Forum?

This topic is 5540 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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