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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Understanding FMTouch


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I have been reading about FMTouch and would like a better understanding of how (or if) it will work with my runtime solution. My application is a herd management program that includes herd health & breeding records, contacts information, financial expense/income data and scheduling activities.

My clients would love to have the ability of putting the program on their iPhone or iPod to take with them on the road, or just out to the barn when they are doing herd weights & medical.

My runtime solution (FMP 10) consists of about 12 database files. I use the separation model, so about 1/2 are data and 1/2 are format-only files. All of the database files are multi-table. I am not even sure if the format files would be suitable for an iPhone/iPod app, but I could probably redesign the display screens and still use the data files...

Anyway, here are my initial questions:

Can a multi-table, multi-database runtime be ported to use with i-devices using FMTouch?

Do I need to run DDR for each database first? And, after running DDR, how are the output files integrated into the iPhone/iPod app?

What products/software/licenses do I need to create the app;

and do my clients also need to purchase additional products or licenses to run the app on their i-device?

What is needed to synch data between the iPhone/iPod app and the runtime app on their PC or MAC?

Although I was a programmer for many years, I am somewhat of a dinosaur (my expertise was predominantly on large mainframe computers.) My knowledge of newer technologies is embarrassingly inadequate. I don't even own an iPod or iPhone (yet...!) So, although I have looked at several of the FMTouch & other related websites, additional help in understanding how this all works would be appreciated.


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